English example sentences with "lack"

Learn how to use lack in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You must make allowance for his lack of experience.

It's not the time but the will that you lack.

I'll make allowances for your lack of experience.

The lack of modern post facilities caused trouble for many shippers.

Diligence may compensate for lack of experience.

The machine squealed for lack of oil.

I didn't give up for lack of hope.

The lack of harmony between colors makes this painting stand out.

The firm went under due to lack of capital.

We lack an incentive for pursuing the eastern market.

We failed due to a lack of preparation.

We abandoned the project because of a lack of funds.

What with overwork and lack of nourishment, he became very ill.

What with fatigue and lack of sleep, he has fallen ill at last.

What with overwork and lack of sleep, she has lost her health.

The flowers died for lack of water.

A lot of problems derive from a lack of reading in the home.

I have little appetite due to lack of exercise.

My muscular strength has weakened from lack of exercise.

Lack of exercise may harm your health.

In light of his lack of abilities we cannot expect him to succeed.

I'm sick and tired of his lack of taste.

Nancy seems to lack sincerity.

In most cases, car accidents result from lack of sleep.

I think that is based on a lack of mutual understanding.

It sounds as if genius compensates for lack of experience.

There was a great lack of rice that year.

The plants died for lack of water.

The explanation of the event was omitted for lack of space.

The flower died for lack of water.

The English scholar is not conscious of his lack of common sense.

This problem can not be discussed here for lack of time.

Clara's lack of responsibility drives me mad.

Lack of money is a serious hindrance in their fight to conquer cancer.

If you have a cold, lack of sleep is very bad for you.

Lack of money brought my travel plans to an end.

I can't buy it for lack for money.

We could not continue our journey for lack of money.

The picnic was canceled for lack of interest.

Ann does not lack for friends.

You lack sincerity for her.

An acute lack of funds is holding up the plan.

Expensive meals can't compensate for lack of sleep.

Lack of oxygen is fatal to most animals.

Children sometimes lack patience.

We lack nothing.

We couldn't carry out our project because of a lack of funds.

We blamed parents for lack of love.

Maybe I lack the talent for marrying.

Our basic problem is the lack of know-how.

We sometimes lack patience with old people.

I had to leave out this problem for lack of space.

Our future will be full of difficulties because of lack of funds.

By and large his experiment was successful despite his lack of money.

He appealed to lack of funds as a reason for the failure of his enterprise.

His failure was in reality due to his lack of care.

There is a lack of communication between the young and the old.

Lack of flexibility is an obstacle to one's progress.

Lack of food had left him weak and exhausted.

A lot of wild animals died for lack of food.

Lack of food made them very hungry.

Lack of sleep is telling me.

When you lack sleep, you are apt to be careless.

Lack of sleep whittled away her energy.

I'm tired from lack of sleep.

Lack of sleep began to tell on me.

Recently what with anxiety and lack of sleep, she has lost almost ten pounds.

It is clear that he failed for lack of prudence.

The project to build a new sports center has fallen through for lack of adequate funds.

We've had a poor crop due to lack of water.

Lack of sleep was undermining her health.

Your lack of sleep will catch up with you someday.

Due to a lack of balance the ship turned over.

Many people are suffering from the lack of food.

People living in a big city tend to lack exercise.

Jealousy in a relationship is often brought about by a lack of trust.

All the flowers in the garden died for lack of water.

I was very angry with myself for my lack of courage.

The principal cause of death in refugee camps is the lack of nourishment.

The museum had to close due to lack of finances.

They attributed his bad manners to lack of training in childhood.

His poor grades may come from lack of study.

His lack of cooperation defeated our plan.

Admitting his lack of experience, I still think that he ought to do better.

His undertaking failed for lack of funds.

In judging his work, we must take account of his lack of experience.

In judging his work, you should make allowances for his lack of experience.

The immediate cause of his failure was lack of study.

His lack of technical knowledge precluded him from promotion.

He has little appetite for lack of exercise.

He had to give up the trip for lack of money.

He could not go on a trip for lack of money.

He failed, due to lack of money.

He failed in business for lack of experience.

He worked hard to make up for his lack of experience.

He died from lack of oxygen.

He failed in the examination for lack of preparation.

He tried to make up for his lack of sleep by taking a nap.

He failed due to lack of effort.

He was incensed by their lack of incentives.

They blamed me for my lack of foresight.

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