English example sentences with "job"

Learn how to use job in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

I like my job very much.

You finally succeeded in getting a job.

You did an excellent job.

You've done a perfect job.

Will you take on the job?

You are suitable for the job.

You only started this job an hour ago.

What's new with you? How is your new job working out?

Thanks to you, the job went well.

I'm afraid this job is too much for you.

You're the best man for the job.

I should be glad if you got the job.

With your approval, I would like to offer him the job.

In terms of the pay you will get, is this a good job?

No money, no job, no friends. He was truly at loose ends.

Surprisingly, he did his last job in one-third the time it would take me.

I'm willing to do the job if you cooperate.

In terms of salary, that job is fantastic.

It's a good job, as far as the pay goes.

The job advertisement specifically requested females.

You should change your job if the occasion arises.

You must get the job done before the deadline.

The stock market crash forced many retirees back into the job market.

A poor school record will count against you when you look for a job.

He is, without question, the best man for the job.

I hope I can hold on to my job.

Scott's job is to evaluate the assets of companies.

Some companies guarantee their workers a job for life.

We must do our job as best as we can.

We lost on that job.

We should keep every school open and every teacher in his job.

Give us the tools, and we will finish the job.

Finishing the job by Tuesday will be a piece of cake.

My wife's part-time job brings in a little extra money.

If it were not for my family, I would give up this job.

It's easier for me to have a job than to do housework.

She took a job in a store for the summer.

What do you think caused him to lose his job?

Push the job and get it done this week.

What kind of part-time job do you have?

My job search is really going rough. I don't have any connections.

My poor English cost me my job.

Movie making is an exciting job.

Having a driver's license is an advantage for this job.

The job of a driver is not as easy as it looks.

The job of a driver is harder than it looks.

The rain didn't stop them from doing their job.

The doctors thought he was dead, but today he is still alive and healthy, and has a job and a family.

It would be unwise, not to say stupid, of you to quit your first job after only six months.

Two years went by before I could find a good job.

I finally got a job.

Pick a job that you enjoy and working will seem easy.

With more education, he would have found a better job.

What would you do, if you lost your job?

If I were you, I would quit my job and leave London.

If you want this job, you must apply for it by tomorrow.

Were I you, I would apply for the job.

Now that you have finished your job, you are free to go home.

You've got to get a steady job.

He handled things wonderfully, playing it by ear the whole way. I have to say he did an excellent job.

Though Mike likes his job very much, it does not pay well.

Mike's job at home is cleaning the windows.

I had a part-time job as a hotel maid, but I didn't like it very much.

Fred spent all day looking for a job.

Bill was canned from his job last week.

Bill had always been a quiet, home-loving man, but after a few months in the job, his personality changed.

Bill has a part-time job so that he can buy a car.

Bill got into such a hole with the payments on his house that now that he's lost his job, I don't know how he'll ever get out from under.

I'm looking for a part-time job.

Writing news stories is his job.

Why was I turned down for the job?

Why did he quit his job?

Where can you get a part-time job?

What's your job?

Tom lost his job.

Tom has always performed well in every job he has had.

Tom is thinking about applying for a better-paying job.

Tom is the proper boy for the job.

Tom applied for the job.

Tom is going to apply for a job with a computer company.

Tom has always done well in every job he has had.

Tommy did not want to run the risk of losing his job.

I haven't decided which job to apply for.

Tony realized that if he hired another crew, got more customers and did the job quicker and sloppier, he could make more money.

Tom liked his job very much.

If anything, my new job is harder than my old one.

By the way, did you hear that Mary quit her job?

At last she got a job as a stewardess.

Please see that the job is finished.

I couldn't bring myself to take the job.

How can I quit this job?

David has never had a steady job. He has always lived by his wits.

I was just thinking of a new job.

Someone will do that job.

No matter how long it takes, I will finish the job.

Even if it takes me ten years, I am determined to accomplish the job.

She got a job as a typist.

I can't finish the job in so short a time.

I'm concerned whether or not I can handle a big job like that.

Such a judge may as well retire from his job.

How did you come by such a job?

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