English example sentences with "investment"

Learn how to use investment in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Education is an investment in the future.

The investment now yields him 6%.

A 6% yield is guaranteed on the investment.

The business will yields a fair return on the investment.

This new investment will multiply our profit.

A high savings rate is cited as one factor for Japan's strong economic growth because it means the availability of abundant investment capital.

The government's investment will create many jobs.

The return on the investment will be high.

Investment bankers are tearing their hair out over the crash.

Japan's foreign direct investment reached $10 billion last year.

He lost a lot of money in the stock investment.

They obtained a yield of 8 percent on their investment.

She benefited from the sound investment.

I'm eager to be allowed to do more private-sector investment.

Many people feel that gold is the most secure investment.

I took a risk when I made the investment.

The investment firm tricked customers into buying worthless stock.

This investment is the opportunity of a lifetime.

Tom has been working in an investment bank for the last few years.

Tom wished he had put more money into that investment.

Tom tripled his investment in six months.

Tom expected at least a ten percent return on his investment.

Tom doubled his investment in a year.

The investment advice we used to give just doesn't apply anymore.

Investment in education is undoubtedly the only effective way to bring a country out of poverty.

Buying a house has stopped being a good investment.

This will require a huge investment of time and money.

The main person who caused that financial scandal is the president of ABC investment bank.

Tom is an investment banker.

I bought this house as an investment.

It's an investment.

An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.

If Tom had made that investment, he'd be a billionaire today.

This investment is not for the risk-averse.

An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.

Yesterday Mary was sentenced to two years eight months in jail for investment fraud.

How much of a return did you get on your investment?

Tom gave me investment advice.

Anger is a good investment. You always get back more than you give out.

There is something inherently fascinating about science. Such a tiny investment in facts yields such a high return in predictions.

He looked for a profitable investment for his capital.

It's a bad investment.

This investment fund only invests in ethical companies.

In April 2014, the U.S., U.K., and Germany announced the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance, a public-private platform designed to spur private-sector investment in low-carbon, climate-resilient infrastructure in developing countries.

Higher education is the single most important investment students can make in their own futures. At the same time, students are taking on increasing amounts of debt to pay for it.

Higher education is the single most important investment students can make in their own futures.

Tom is no investment banker.

I know that my investment is safe in the hands of Tom Jackson.

This is the best investment I've ever made.

It does not constitute an investment advice.

This is a very interesting investment opportunity.

It's a good investment.

Savings bonds are a stable investment.

Is it a good investment?

Iceland’s prime minister, Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson, resigned after it was revealed that his wife owned an offshore investment company.

Iceland’s prime minister stepped down after it was revealed that he had ties to an offshore investment company.

Today we are starting a very big investment project.

That sounds like a good investment.

I don't think it is a good investment.

I think it's a good investment.

In our opinion, solar panels are a good investment.

We encourage foreign investment.

Training is not a luxury, it's an investment.

If someone says they've bought a house as an investment then as a rule, they paid too much for it.

This investment is risky.

In order to assess the future of the stock, we must observe the nerves, hysteria, and even the digestion and weather sensitivity of each person upon whose actions this investment is dependant.

Sami founded an investment company.

My father was an investment banker.

Discuss how they'll be better off for their investment of time.

We believe solar panels are a good investment.

Solar panels represent, in our view, a good investment.

The tax cut is supposed to boost capital investment.

Chinese investment in Algeria is increasing.

Algeria is open to long-term investment from China.

Algeria needs to attract foreign direct investment.

Algeria needs to attract more investment.

There are many investment opportunities in Algeria.

Can Algeria become a paradise for foreign investment?

Algeria needs to attract foreign investment.

Algeria needs foreign direct investment.

Algeria needs to encourage foreign investment.

Algeria needs to attract new investment.

Algeria's investment rate is increasing.

Algeria's investment in defense is still high.

Algeria needs institutions that attract a lot of foreign investment.

Algeria is open to investment from China.

Algeria seems to be allergic to direct foreign investment.

Algeria needs to attract a lot of foreign investment.

I made an investment in Kabylie.

A report commissioned by the State Department of the following Andrew Johnson administration concluded that Greenland's natural resources would make it a valuable investment.

Bouteflika opened Algeria's economy to foreign investment.

Algeria shouldn't restrict foreign investment.

Tom wished he'd put more money into that investment.

Tom wished that he'd put more money into that investment.

The summit is calling for urgent action to support more sustainable development in both high-mountain areas and downstream. That will involve disaster risk reduction measures, better early warning systems, climate change adaptation and investment in infrastructure to make communities safer.

For many Americans, a large home is not only a status symbol, but also an investment.

Despite the increased investment, the country is losing about 150 elephants each month to poachers.

"I was an investment banker, the child of refugees, who felt unfulfilled with their own life and my contribution to society,” he said. “So I felt young people had to choose: be good or be cold-hearted investment bankers. So I created The Hult Prize as a platform to equip them, arm them, and then deploy capital to these young people and their ideas; capital that can help them change the world."

"I was an investment banker, the child of refugees, who felt unfulfilled with their own life and my contribution to society,” he said. “So I felt young people had to choose: be good or be cold-hearted investment bankers. So I created The Hult Prize as a platform to equip them, arm them, and then deploy capital to these young people and their ideas; capital that can help them change the world."

The European Investment Bank, which is mobilizing the chunk of money, announced last year it would end financing for all fossil fuel projects by the end of 2020.

The European Union rolled out a massive, trillion-dollar investment plan Tuesday to deliver on promises to make Europe the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050.

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