English example sentences with "included"

Learn how to use included in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The functions sine and cosine take values between -1 and 1 (-1 and 1 included).

He was included in the deal.

Is lunch included in the tour?

Is lunch included in this price?

Commodity tax is not included in the price.

Delivery is not included in the price.

Am I included in the team?

What's included under assets?

Are meals included?

Are any meals included?

What is the total price with all taxes included?

What's included in the balance sheet?

Fourth, my homeroom class in Japan included students of a wide range of abilities.

As I checked your delivery that I received, I found it included a T-shirt which I did not order.

He is included among my friends.

The breakfast is included in the charge.

Included in the printed matter category is what is called 'special mailbag printed matter'.

I have included the names and prices of a couple of hotels which are reasonably close to where I live.

The exhortation "Don't quote Wikipedia" was included in the Asahi newspaper of yesterday or the day before.

In that word is included the meaning of matching up to somebody's particular wavelength.

Are the tip and service charge included?

I would like to pay with cash. Is breakfast included in the price?

The new constitution included the aim of abridging the king's power.

The shopping list included a gallon of milk.

The young couple included their parents among their Thanksgiving guests.

The parade included six marching bands.

Is breakfast included in the price?

The reason the cat is not included in the 12 animals of the Chinese zodiac is very simple.

I included onions, carrots, and potatoes.

There used to be a lot of small creeks in old time Shanghai, which included Zhaojia Creek and Yangjing Creek, but they're all covered up nowadays.

The uncut version of the DVD only included one extra scene.

Please notify me by e-mail about any bugs found or missing functions that you want to be included in future versions of the BMI calculator.

The government can carry out exterminations, such as what has come to be called the Holocaust, which included Jews, homosexuals, Romani, and the mentally and physically disabled.

Oomoto can be included among the new religions of Japan.

If the need arises, customised solutions can be included in the product.

There is a plan of treatment at the end of the included leaflet.

The hotel was expensive, but the daily rate included breakfast.

I forgot that the daily rate included breakfast.

Am I included?

The course included writing literary analyses and essays.

The new agreement included a provision that dealt with the ramifications of the outbreak of a war.

Batteries not included.

Batteries are not included.

A dictionary is a reference work of words or terms which are listed in alphabetical order. The words and terms included in the dictionary are described in relation to their significance, definition, etymology, orthography and grammatical form.

Are local trains included on this schedule?

Their multimedia campaign included commercials on television and radio, print advertisements in newspapers and magazines, online advertising on websites geared toward their target audience, as well as flyers posted and distributed throughout the community.

A deadline was included in the ultimatum.

I'm not about to judge you. We all make mistakes, me included.

Surcharges are not included.

Mozart's Clarinet Concerto is not included in the CD you bought.

Tips aren't included.

What an honor to be included in your profile photo!

Tom doesn't want to be included.

"K" was originally not included in the Portuguese alphabet; neither were "W" and "Y".

Unfortunately, a Japanese dub of the film is not included on this DVD, but at least there are Japanese subtitles.

Consumption tax is not included in the display price.

The exam included mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Is it included in the price?

Tax and gratuity aren't included.

Why shouldn't that be included?

Dinner will be included.

The list included Tom.

Food will be included.

Lunch is included.

The investigation included individuals of more than thirty years.

Is breakfast included?

Is VAT included in the price?

Breakfast and lunch are included.

Given your level, you may consider atoms as being the fundamental building blocks of the matter all around us, you included.

Refills included.

Is the electricity included in the rent?

Is the water included in the rent?

Are the water and electricity included in the rent?

I've included a visitor's application.

Tom would've wanted to be included.

I was so glad to be included.

Notice how the artist always included a small blond girl in a pink dress in all his paintings. That was his daughter Mary who died at the young age of three, you see.

The team included forensic pathologist Fadil Sadiq.

Sami did whatever Layla told him to do, and that included murder.

Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.

The empire still included the islands of Cyprus, Crete, Rhodes, Malta, and Sicily.

When Daphnis had finished his tale, Chloe kissed him, not ten times as he had asked her, but a thousand, and Echo repeated every kiss, as if to testify that Daphnis had not included in his story of her anything that was contrary to truth.

Taekwondo and judo are the only two Asian martial arts included in the Olympic Games.

Cookies may contain nuts or peanuts, even if not included in the ingredient list.

The remainder of his tirade included a number of swear words.

Fortunately, we have prevailed and so a definition has been included in Article 2.

Liquor not included.

Sami wasn't included in the will.

The accommodation and even the drinks are included in the price.

Tom would have wanted to be included.

We believe that all statements other than statements of historical facts included in this report, including certain statements under "Business" and "Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations," may constitute forward-looking statements.

We always try to make sure Tom is included.

What's included in the special lunch?

Sami wanted to feel included.

The report from the National Academy of Sciences Committee on Exoplanet Science Strategy will be reviewed by Congress. Portions of it may be included in the final 2020-2030 Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey, which will fund the continuing search for exoplanets and the study of extraterrestrial life.

Delivery isn't included in the price.

Grateful recipients included a number of area food banks and charities.

Everyone there, myself included, voted to end the trip early.

From the earliest days of the republic, Americans broke their fast in the morning by eating whatever was most easily available, which often included bread, eggs or leftovers.

One of my required classes in college included dissecting the entire dorsal cavity of a pig. It was disgusting.

Those symptoms often included anxiety and fear, as well as the onset of physical health ailments such as cardiovascular issues.

Also check out the following words: little, white, rabbit, cave, must, together, brothers, perish, fools, How's.