English example sentences with "hunt"

Learn how to use hunt in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Mr Hunt is principal of our school.

The police have started a nationwide hunt for the criminal.

Archaeologists are those who hunt for clues about the lifestyles of ancient peoples.

I was on the hunt for lodgings.

A hunt is on for the runaway.

He likes to hunt.

They had a good hunt.

Hounds hunt by their keen scent.

"Dima?!" Al-Sayib was so shocked that he dropped his Fanta on his computer, thereby ruining his noob hunt. "Dima?! Is that really you?!"

I hunt elk in my leisure-time.

The men had little to do except hunt for food.

The witch hunt has begun.

Owls hunt at night.

Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H. L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid.

I'm organizing a scavenger hunt for my son's thirteenth birthday party.

How's the job hunt?

This is how they hunt elephants alive.

Mr. Hunt is the principal of our school.

I was on the hunt for butterflies.

I cannot set a trap here. It's forbidden to hunt.

I can teach you how to hunt.

I hunt almost every day.

The kids are playing Duck Hunt.

You need the light gun to play Duck Hunt.

Do you not know how to hunt with anything but nets?

I hunt after flies.

The heron had to hunt for food every day.

President Obama and Vice President Biden launch the Campaign to Cut Waste, which will hunt down and eliminate misspent tax dollars in every agency and department across the Federal Government.

Tom didn't hunt.

Many people hunt.

Tom likes to hunt.

How's the job hunt going?

Tom was excited about going to the Easter egg hunt.

Walruses use sea ice to rest, if it is close to where they hunt for food.

The prince went to the forest to hunt and happened on a fair maiden bathing in a spring.

Wolves hunt reindeer.

The hunt is over.

I like to hunt.

Fadil continued his hunt for cash.

Layla was on the hunt for a man who could get her out of the house.

Fadil was on the hunt for the perfect present.

Eagles don't hunt flies.

Do you know how to hunt?

I don't know how to hunt.

The authorities have decided to launch a hunt for dangerous drugs.

Bats hunt at night.

Wolves hunt in a pack.

Polar bears hunt seals.

"We came here," they said, "to hunt, and having fastened our boat to the shore with a withfe of osiers, we roamed about with our dogs in search of game. In the meantime this young man's goats came to the shore and ate the osiers that secured our boat, whereby it was lost."

Tom said he doesn't hunt anymore.

Tom said he didn't hunt anymore.

You like to hunt, don't you?

I don't hunt anymore.

In 2006, scientists launched the French CoRoT mission, the first space mission dedicated to the extrasolar planet hunt. The mission helped astronomers discover dozens more extrasolar planets.

Polar bears hunt walruses.

The hunt was on.

Do you hunt?

On the hunt?

They had gone a mile or two when they passed one of the night shepherds upon the moorlands, and they cried to him to know if he had seen the hunt.

Tom said that he doesn't hunt anymore.

Tom said that he didn't hunt anymore.

A whale's lungs can also collapse safely under pressure, which keeps them from rupturing. This allows sperm whales to hunt for giant squid at depths of 7,000 feet or more.

The cats in this town do not hunt and catch mice.

Tom likes to hunt, doesn't he?

This is a total WITCH HUNT with massive conflicts of interests!

Is it legal to hunt kangaroos in Austria?

Is it legal to hunt kangaroos in Australia?

Mary said she doesn't hunt anymore.

Mary said she didn't hunt anymore.

Mary likes to hunt, doesn't she?

He said he doesn't hunt anymore.

She said she doesn't hunt anymore.

He said he didn't hunt anymore.

She said she didn't hunt anymore.

He likes to hunt, doesn't he?

She likes to hunt, doesn't she?

They like to hunt, don't they?

Tom and Mary said they didn't hunt anymore.

Tom and Mary said that they didn't hunt anymore.

They said that they didn't hunt anymore.

They said they didn't hunt anymore.

Tom and Mary said that they don't hunt anymore.

Tom and Mary said they don't hunt anymore.

They said that they don't hunt anymore.

They said they don't hunt anymore.

He used to hunt in Kabylie.

Is it legal to recreationally hunt kangaroos in Austria?

This stuff is going to hunt Mennad for the rest of his life.

A BBC presenter called Jeremy Hunt "Jeremy Cunt" live on air.

I'm on a scavenger hunt.

These orcas hunt penguins.

During the 80s, tourists from Poland came to Kabylia to hunt wild boar.

Tom used to hunt.

Tom used to hunt in the woods behind our house.

Earlier today, the porcupine's spikes ruined the eagle's morning hunt.

He didn't hunt.

He used to hunt.

We're on a treasure hunt.

Lions hunt wildebeests.

It's illegal to hunt giraffes.

SuperCam is a rock-vaporizing instrument that will help scientists hunt for Mars fossils.

Also check out the following words: doing, math, simply, almost, scared, online, whole, computer, useful, freedom.