English example sentences with "hill"

Learn how to use hill in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You must go up the hill.

A banking scandal is sweeping across Capitol Hill.

A small road ran across the bridge, through the fields, and over a hill.

The church is on the hill overlooking the city.

The church is at the foot of the hill.

The church stood alone on the hill.

After running up the hill, I was completely out of breath.

The hill lay covered with snow.

The hill slopes downward to the river.

The hill was all covered with snow.

The hill glows with autumnal colors.

The hill is always green.

You see a white building at the foot of the hill.

The wind blew harder yet when we reached the top of the hill.

A castle stands a little way up the hill.

Our school on the hill commands a full view of Mt. Fuji.

The building on the hill is our school.

The old church on the hill dates back to the twelfth century.

That church on the hill is very old.

Situated on a hill, his house commands a fine view.

Standing as it does on a hill, the hotel commands a fine view of the bay.

Look at that tower standing on the hill.

Look at that building standing on the hill.

A beautiful church stands on the hill.

The house which stands on the hill is very old.

Are there oak trees on the hill?

There is a large house on the hill.

There is a house on the hill.

His house was in sight from the top of the hill.

From the hill, we could see all the buildings in the city.

A beautiful valley lies behind the hill.

We came in sight of the hill.

At the foot of the hill is a beautiful lake.

Lots of low trees grow on the hill.

We can get a beautiful view of the sea from the hill.

A cellar was dug on top of the hill and they slowly moved the house from the road to the hill.

A cellar was dug on top of the hill and they slowly moved the house from the road to the hill.

There is a low hill near the sea.

We had a gallop over the hill.

We toiled up a hill.

We ran down the hill.

In the long summer days she sat in the sun and watched the trees cover themselves with leaves, and the white daisies cover the hill.

The royal palace was built on a hill.

Seen from a distance, the hill looks like an elephant.

He that stays in the valley shall never get over the hill.

There used to be a castle on this hill.

I walked up the hill.

My house stands on a hill.

If a high hill stood between A and B, it was important to decide whether the line should climb over it, pierce it with a tunnel, or make a detour to avoid it.

Brian lives over the hill.

Mr Hill went on a journey to Japan yesterday.

Pete came coasting down the hill on his sled.

The old lady walked slowly up the hill.

The old man stood on the hill.

The temple is at the top of the hill.

The hill is bare of trees.

The old castle stands on the hill.

The church stands on the hill.

The church stands on a hill.

The hill commands a fine view.

The top of the hill is flat.

There was a cottage on the side of the hill.

You can ski on that hill.

The hill overlooked the sea.

The school is located on a hill.

The school is located at the foot of a hill.

The house stood on the hill.

The house stands on the hill.

Standing as it does on the hill the hotel commands a fine view.

The hotel stands on a hill.

Pretty soon along came a steam shovel and dug a road through the hill covered with daisies.

The children from the village would often gather up on top of the hill and from there watched the trucks and automobiles going back and forth to the city.

I agree. He's sure been the king of the hill since we brought him home.

That decision, in turn, was affected by the geological structure of the hill itself.

Jack, Jill and Alice went up the hill.

When I have finished writing the letter, I will take you to the lake about two miles beyond the hill.

I don't think this old car will make it to the top of the hill.

This hill commands a fine view of the bay.

You can see the whole city from this hill.

The hill commands the panorama of the city.

You can see millions of stars on this hill.

This hill commands a very fine view.

Standing as it does on a hill, the church commands a fine view.

Standing as it does on the hill, this hotel commands a fine view.

Standing as it does on a hill, the house commands a fine view.

Everyone in the class climbed the hill.

There used to be a great castle on that hill.

That little house looks just like the little house my grandmother lived in when she was a little girl, on a hill covered with daisies and apple trees growing around.

Debit Mr Hill with $100.

Whew! This is a tough hill. But coming back sure will be a breeze.

The army advanced up the hill.

The moon rose above the hill.

We are going to mount a hill near our school this Sunday.

Seen from the top of the hill, the island is very beautiful.

How about walking to the top of the hill?

They drove a tunnel through the hill.

The top of the hill was bare.

The children ran down the hill.

Laughing and talking, the children climbed the hill.

The name of the man I met yesterday is Mr. Hill.

We made for a pond at the foot of the hill.

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