English example sentences with "garden"

Learn how to use garden in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Her garden is a work of art.

You've been properly led up the garden path.

There is a kitchen garden behind my house.

My garden is filled with sweet-smelling blooms.

There is a small garden in front of my house.

If only we had a garden!

The roses in the garden smell sweet.

There are scarcely any flowers in our garden.

Let's take a rest in the garden instead of indoors.

There is a garden in front of the house.

There is a garden at the back of my house.

Our dog buries its bones in the garden.

There was a large garden behind the house.

As soon as he felt his house shake, he rushed out into the garden.

I saw a dirty dog coming into the garden.

The garden was destroyed after the rain.

The rainy weather prevented her from working in the garden.

The flowers in the garden died from the absence of rain.

The festival will be held in the garden, unless it rains.

If you have a good garden, it will enhance the value of your house.

How long have you looked after this rose garden?

We could have our tea in the garden, were it a little warmer.

Pochi and Moko are in the kennel, and other dogs are playing in the garden.

The ball bounded away into our neighbor's garden.

What a beautiful garden!

Every house had a garden.

A lot of children gathered in the garden.

It's in a small room at the end of garden.

And, they've already torn up the garden.

Rocks are beautifully arranged in the Japanese-style garden.

The garden is laid out in the Japanese style.

The garden is famous for its irises.

The garden is turning into a wilderness.

The garden was surrounded by a wooden fence.

The garden is at its best in spring.

The garden is tended with great care.

The garden was filled with flowers.

The garden has been professionally laid out.

There weren't any roses in the garden.

There are some pretty flowers in the garden.

There are all kinds of flowers in that garden.

The roses were in full bloom in the botanical garden.

The flower garden needs watering.

Jim is watering the garden.

What is still better is that the house has a beautiful garden.

These flowers are the choice of her garden.

This is the most beautiful flower in the garden.

This is the garden I laid out last year.

The gate admits to the garden.

This gate allows access to the garden.

This garden is at its best in summer.

This garden is open to the public.

This beautiful garden owes more to art than to nature.

There are a lot of roses in this garden.

There are plants of different kinds in this garden.

This big gate is disproportionate to the small garden.

This flower is as beautiful as any in the garden.

There used to be a big cherry tree in the garden.

We require the garden fences for immediate delivery.

Dad needs to take a rest. He's been working in the garden for three hours.

Your garden needs some attention.

It is fairly safe to say that the family bound for Australia, or wherever it may be, has in its mind a vision of a nice house, or a flat, with maybe a bit of garden.

We have just a tiny bit of garden.

Our garden was full of weeds.

There is a small pond in our garden.

The roses are in bloom in our garden.

We have only a small garden.

A rabbit is running in the garden.

My flower garden was trampled by urchins.

He had the impudence to cut across our garden.

I cannot stop that noisy cat from getting into my garden.

What a beautiful garden you have!

It's much cheaper to live on grains and vegetables you can grow in your garden.

While one of them sped around major parts of the property on the mower, a second made a few sweeps at some tall weeds on the edge of my wife's garden, and the third got into the truck and smoked a cigarette.

A dog ran about in the garden.

The dog jumped over the fence into the garden.

Can't you keep your dog from coming into my garden?

She shall water the garden this afternoon.

Our garden produced an abundance of cabbages last year.

She gave a rich dinner for us in her garden last night.

There was a cherry tree growing in the garden.

Weeds sprang up in the garden.

The children whirled about the garden.

The kids are picking flowers in the garden.

The children are at play in the garden.

When I went down to the garden, two little girls were picking daisies.

There is a garden at the back of our house.

Our garden has two cherry trees.

There are a lot of beautiful roses in our garden.

We found many strange plants in a botanical garden.

We grow vegetables in our garden.

We cleaned up our garden.

My aunt grows tomatoes in her garden.

I have only a small garden.

There used to be a garden in our yard.

The tulips in my garden are now at their best.

My room faces the garden.

My mother grows flowers in her garden.

I want to have a proper house and garden.

I played an important part in the garden party.

I work hard in the garden in the morning.

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