English example sentences with "further"

Learn how to use further in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You will find it stated a few pages further on.

Education should be carried further than it is now.

We derive further pleasure from our study.

Do you have any further questions to ask?

Do you have anything further to say?

OK, now turn to your right, a little further, a little further... good. Now lie still on your back.

OK, now turn to your right, a little further, a little further... good. Now lie still on your back.

One step further, and you will fall into an abyss.

If you would like to have further information, please contact me.

We want further information.

I have nothing further to say.

You must gather further information.

Please let me know if I can provide you with any further information, or if you would like to contact me for questions.

It's just a little further.

I can't go any further.

I can afford no further delay.

Have you any further questions?

That absolves me from further responsibility.

I'll check further into the matter.

Discussing the matter further will get you nowhere.

It is useless to discuss the matter any further.

We must put the brake to further trials.

The shopping center is a mile further down the road.

For further information, see page 16.

Do you have any further questions?

For further inquiries, please feel free to contact us toll-free at 0120-00-0000.

Further study will prove that the theory is right.

It's fruitless to press him further.

I have no further questions.

A further reduction would make us go into the red.

If you request a further discount, we suggest changing the terms of payment.

Further assistance is not forthcoming.

There is no use discussing the matter further.

There is no room for further improvement in this system.

Please make an appointment to come in and discuss this further.

The policy is bound to drive the economy into further recession.

Wait until further notice.

We should do more to protect the ozone layer from further damage.

Economic conditions point to further inflation.

The crude oil price is falling further.

We cannot offer a further price reduction under the current circumstances.

Further investigation will offer many opportunities to obtain more valuable knowledge of the ocean.

The city expanded the bus route 10Km further.

We must think further about public morality.

You can get further details of our products from our internet site, http://www.jpgarden.com.

After graduating from college my brother went to the United States for the purpose of doing further research.

I read fifty pages further.

For further details, call Gisèle.

Apply to the office for further details.

Keep that ace up your sleeve. If you're going to show it, have another even further up.

The meeting was put off till further notice.

The enemy gave in without further resistance.

The store is closed until further notice.

In order to prevent a further drop of the Japanese currency, the Bank of Japan intervened in the market to support it at around 150 yen to the dollar.

That seat reclines further.

He was too tired to walk any further.

He thought that there was no point in studying further in this field.

He looked into the matter further.

He could not walk any further.

He is in desperate search of further evidence.

He wanted to study further how everything in nature works.

He gave no further detail.

They are apprehensive that some further disaster might occur.

The data in her paper serves to further our purpose.

She began to derive further pleasure from listening to music.

She can swim further than I can.

I'm too tired to walk any further.

We are concerned about the further actualization of current problems among youth, such as truancy, dislike of school and lack of appropriate character development.

In the north, there's Scotland; in the south, England; in the west, Wales; and further west, Northern Ireland.

I can't walk any further.

This block of apartments is a building that takes both the environment and health into consideration. From now on we want to further expand this system and knowhow.

In particular, it is customary for actual examples of use of the harmonic mean to generally cover "average speed," and explain no further than that.

Even while I was dithering it's like I was being backed further and further into a corner.

Even while I was dithering it's like I was being backed further and further into a corner.

To apply further analysis to documents and files matching the keywords and find the hidden truth is "knowledge".

The further I went the more irresistible became the feeling that I was going round and round in circles.

It's not worth reading any further.

With most of the arts, if you don't get the basics down properly then it is difficult to acquire further skills.

The lion bared its teeth even further.

At this rate, the risk is high that our country's competitive position will drop even further.

I was just drawing pictures, I had no further intention.

This further proof that the chairman of the board is a few croutons short of a salad.

I will lead you to further victories.

It's a bit further way.

If you complain further, I'm going to get really angry.

He was too tired to go any further.

Education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and to the strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.

She was further in debt than she was willing to admit.

Little by little they spread further.

Drastic measures must be taken to prevent the further spread of the virus.

Without further ado, let me introduce tonight's guest.

We need to avoid any further delays.

Keep me apprised of any further developments.

My boss tried to cop a feel but I slapped his hand before he got any further.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The life lesson: giving people the benefit of the doubt can further your career and personal relationships!

Many disabled people of all stripes are further disadvantaged by a culture that fails to understand, let alone meet, their needs.

If you think that I'm still going to help a bastard like you, then you couldn't be any further away from the truth.

They wanted no further spread of slavery.

They opposed any further spread of slavery.

Salad forks are smaller than dinner forks and are placed further from the plate.

Also check out the following words: plans, wanting, sexy, Pass, salt, bored, eating, chocolate, yourself, appetite.