English example sentences with "forms"

Learn how to use forms in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The rocks are weathered into fantastic forms.

An ulcer forms in the stomach.

Communication takes many forms.

Evil is easy, and has infinite forms.

Many forms of life are disappearing.

This district forms a basin.

In its broadest sense communication includes all forms of transmitting thoughts or feelings between people.

It is imperative that we should encourage participatory forms of decision-making.

Therefore it is important for us to be aware of other forms of politeness.

We have learned much about survival from lower forms of animal life.

The simple perception of natural forms is a delight.

Nature provides other forms of protection against environmental dangers.

What forms do we need to file?

Water and ice are the same substance in different forms.

There are several forms of government.

New forms of energy must be developed before oil dries up.

All forms of life have an instinctive urge to survive.

My mouth forms a lot of saliva.

The atmosphere forms a major part of the environment to which life responds.

In junior high and high schools, they say insidious forms of bullying are on the rise.

Of course, they are suffering from terrible working conditions such as low wages and arbitrary layoffs, as well as from various forms of discrimination.

To this extent, it has the characteristics of a great complicated balance between plant life and lower forms of animal life.

The rainbow forms an arc in the sky.

Actors, artists, musicians, and writers may use many forms including spoken and written words, actions, colors and sounds.

We must have a new supply of forms.

Travel is one of the better forms of education.

The first issue that we have to confront is violent extremism in all of its forms.

The most visible forms of aggression are often seen between prey and predator.

You assume we are all sexually stable; while on the other hand, as I have become acquainted with people, I find that they are all perverted sinners, one way or another, that the whole society is corrupt and rotten and repressed and unconscious that it exhibits its repression in various forms of social sadism.

The very pure spirit does not bother about the regard of others or human respect, but communes inwardly with God, alone and in solitude as to all forms, and with delightful tranquility, for the knowledge of God is received in divine silence.

The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses.

We need to study German verb forms.

No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.

Reason is feminine in nature; it can only give after it has received. Of itself it has nothing but the empty forms of its operation.

At first there will be many unfamiliar words and grammatical forms, but you don't have to be afraid.

On a fundamental level, the 12 forms of the Chinese zodiac are related to animal worship.

He denounced all forms of dishonesty in government.

My hobby: inventing irregular forms of verbs.

Oxygen exists in two gaseous forms.

Tom came here to help us fill out these forms.

Please ask Tom to come here and help us fill out these forms.

The digital revolution is paving the way towards strikingly new forms of social relationships.

Tom has to fill out these forms.

Protest takes ever more creative forms in Tatoeba.

Protest in Tatoeba takes ever more creative forms.

Grief is one of the worst forms of suffering.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

Human life faces the same alternatives that confront all other forms of life—of adapting itself to the conditions under which it must live or becoming extinct.

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immediate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.

Filling out all these forms is a pain in the neck.

I'll go get the proper forms.

The founding fathers established safeguards against all the forms of concentrated power they knew about: the church, the state, the mob; but they didn't know about corporations.

English used to have two forms for "you," one intimate and one "polite." No more. But where status matters, and a deferential address is called for, the third person is pressed into service; and the headwaiter asks, "Does the gentleman want a table?"

It is virtually impossible to discuss the Thai Royal Family in English without offending native Thais: the special honorific forms of reference that exist in Thai simply have no counterparts in English.

The depth of the debates has decreased, as the new forms of social media do not provide enough space for the elaboration of long arguments.

Sign these forms.

The onset of a crisis is usually triggered by a spectacular failure which shakes confidence in fictitious forms of capital.

I spent the entire morning filling out these forms.

In German you use the ending "-in" for female forms of nouns.

What other forms do I need to fill out?

Tom needed to fill out lots of forms.

Tom had to fill out lots of forms.

Since Tom arrived at Guantanamo Bay he has been exposed to different forms of torture: sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, extreme temperatures, prolonged isolation, lack of sunlight and limited health care.

Art takes many forms.

In Tom's new novel, extraterrestrials pursue the ambitious goal of presenting all the life forms in the galaxy in a single vast menagerie. Individual humans are also carried off for this purpose and -- due to the enormous diversity of species -- thrown together with the apes of the planet Earth, without distinction. John found that highly offensive.

In this playhouse of infinite forms I have had my play, and here have I caught sight of him that is formless.

This river forms the boundary between the two prefectures.

I am too easily distracted by numerous forms of vapid entertainment to ever amount to anything.

You need to fill out these forms.

My mind brings me to speak of forms changed into bodies new.

What are the forms of "to be"?

To love and to be loved, these are the biggest forms of happiness.

When Qi follows the Way, there is life. When there is life, there is thought. When there is thought, there is knowledge. When there is knowledge, one stops. In all cases, the forms of the mind are such that transgressive knowledge leads to a loss of life.

Tom couldn't see the point in having to fill out so many forms.

Einkorn wheat was one of the earliest forms of wheat to be cultivated.

Tom is filling out the forms now.

It also forms a vital cornerstone of the strategy for sustainable development.

That deep emotional conviction of the presence of a superior power, which is revealed in the incomprehensible universe, forms my idea of God.

Changes in water availability, both episodic and long-lasting, will constrain different forms of energy production.

My Administration will take appropriate action, consistent with law and policy, to disclose information rapidly in forms that the public can readily find and use.

Ignorance gives rise to many forms of prejudice.

Ignorance is the source of many forms of prejudice.

Sometimes on a winter's night the Snow Queen flies through the streets of the town, and breathes with her frosty breath upon the windows, and then they are covered with strange and beautiful forms, like trees and flowers.

In the midst of its empty, endless hall of snow was a frozen lake, broken on its surface into a thousand forms; each piece resembled another, from being in itself perfect as a work of art, and in the centre of this lake sat the Snow Queen, when she was at home.

These bacteria have mutated into forms that are resistant to certain drugs.

Ancient cultures had a variety of explanations for what the stars and planets were, but nearly all of them believed in the possibility of life forms much different from those they saw on Earth.

The temperature in Uranus' upper atmosphere is so cold that the methane condenses and forms a thin cloud layer which gives the planet its blue-green appearance.

Neptune has a mantle of liquid hydrogen while the atmosphere is a combination of ammonia, helium, and methane. In the upper atmosphere, methane freezes and forms an ice cloud which casts a shadow on the clouds below.

Have you filled out the forms yet?

Please fill out these forms.

Are there stars with other forms of life on them?

Against reformation stood chiefly and even fanatically the Marquis de Beaufront. In Geneva he took part in the congress and indignantly protested against the magazines which made use of new forms.

On the contrary, Zamenhof always advised testing the new forms through usage.

It's not just the German fate: from the cradle to the grave — forms, forms.

It's not just the German fate: from the cradle to the grave — forms, forms.

You can't assume that all forms of communism are authoritarian.

The spiral is one of the most common geometrical forms in nature.

The plumber ate some mushrooms and proceeded to stomp on small life forms.

Tom still needs to fill in these forms.

Before pouring cement mixture into forms for a foundation, the work crew securely place an armature of steel bars at a predetermined spacing in order to reinforce the finished building's hardened concrete. If a piece of steel is not long enough to span the required distance, the workers will overlap two pieces and tie them together to form a strong splice.

Can you help me to work out the adverbial forms of all these verbs?

Also check out the following words: can't, live, kind, of, life, once, wanted, astrophysicist, biology, last.