English example sentences with "drives"

Learn how to use drives in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The company faced a major interruption in business when a fire destroyed their archive of computer hard drives and optical discs.

Bad money drives out good.

She lives near the edge of Wripple, so she drives in every day.

Betty drives fast.

Magnetic force drives the mechanism.

This incessant noise drives me mad.

Clara's lack of responsibility drives me mad.

Who drives better, your father or your mother?

That girl just drives me wild.

My uncle drives a Ford.

My father drives a very old car.

I don't like long drives.

Hunger is perhaps the strongest of all human drives.

No intelligent person drinks and then drives.

He uses extreme care when he drives in the rain.

He often drives his father's car.

He drives very fast.

He drives roughly.

He drives a hard bargain.

He drives his own car.

He drives a car, doesn't he?

She drives me mad.

She drives not carefully but slowly.

She drives everybody up the wall.

She drives an imported car.

It's pride that drives her.

Poverty sometimes drives people to commit crimes.

My father drives very well.

Father drives to work.

My mother never drives for fear of causing an accident.

A sheep dog drives the flock to the pasture.

Open source is the engine that drives technological innovation.

I expect it's his lousy personality that drives off the ladies.

One nail drives out another.

She drives me totally insane.

She totally drives me nuts.

He often drives to the library.

My father drives to work.

If a coach is on a couch that's on a coach and the latter has a driver, then all is fine. If a coach is on a couch that's on a coach, but the driver drives the former, then the couch is crushed and the coach is dead.

Tom drives a truck for a living.

He drives a ute.

Barrichello drives very fast.

He drives an old Yugo.

Sometimes she drives to work.

Sometimes he drives to work.

Tom often drives too fast.

Tom must be well off. He drives a very nice car.

Tom drives too fast.

Tom drives me crazy.

Tom drives everybody up the wall.

Tom drives an imported car I think.

Tom drives a black car, doesn't he?

Tom can get there in ten minutes if he drives fast.

Tom drives Mary up the wall.

Tom drives safely.

Tom drives me nuts.

Tom drives like a maniac.

Tom drives a Toyota.

Tom drives a Ford.

Tom drives a BMW.

Tom drives his car to work every day.

Tom certainly drives a nice car.

He drives a pink Cadillac.

Modern music boxes accept even USB flash drives now.

She drives a Beemer.

She drives a BMW.

Betty drives very fast.

Tom drives an old diesel.

He drives a truck.

He drives a pickup truck.

He drives a tow truck.

He drives a breakdown lorry.

Tom drives a black car, right?

This drives me nuts.

He always drives his car too fast.

He survived an accident last year, but still drives recklessly.

Tom drives slowly.

One fire drives out another.

Some cookies are stored indefinitely on users' hard drives.

Fear drives him, he plucks up courage and throws himself into the roaring waves; his powerful arms cut through the flow, and his God feels pity.

He drives a Lotus.

He drives me crazy.

She drives me crazy.

Tom drives a Datsun.

Men never do good unless necessity drives them to it.

He drives an electric car.

Tom drives.

He drives a pimped-out Cadillac Escalade.

He drives a Ferrari.

Tom drives fast.

He drives without licence.

For long drives, a sedan is more comfortable than a pickup truck.

Tom drives a black car, eh?

He drives fast.

Tom drives the automobile.

Spencer's attitude drives me nuts.

This drives me crazy.

It drives me crazy.

My father drives safely.

Tom drives a truck and his wife drives a station wagon.

Tom drives a truck and his wife drives a station wagon.

Also check out the following words: almost, scared, online, whole, computer, useful, freedom, Uh, weird, scare.