English example sentences with "difficult"

Learn how to use difficult in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It is difficult to keep up a conversation with someone who only says "yes" and "no".

It's quite difficult to master French in 2 or 3 years.

It's difficult to have great ideas.

It's more difficult than you think.

You have to cope with those difficult problems.

Explain to him the difficult situation you are in.

I find it difficult to believe.

It is difficult for you to climb to the mountaintop.

What made it difficult for you to carry out the plan?

It is very difficult for you to do this work.

It is difficult to shoot a bird flying in the air.

It is difficult to peg the direction of interest deregulation.

It is difficult to give up smoking.

Flying against a strong wind is very difficult.

The habit of smoking is very difficult to get rid of.

Kanji are difficult to read.

It is difficult to wake up on cold mornings.

It's difficult to get the car going on cold mornings.

Students often find it very difficult to understand a lecture in a foreign language.

Teaching spontaneous thinking is difficult in schools.

It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese food.

It is difficult for foreign students to speak English well.

Foreigners complain that it is difficult to get to know Japanese people. To some extent this may be true.

It is difficult for foreigners to master Japanese.

It is difficult for a foreigner to study Japanese.

It is difficult for foreigners to get used to Japanese meals.

Learning a foreign language is difficult.

It's difficult to learn a foreign language.

It's difficult to feel at home in a foreign language.

Isn't it difficult to make yourself understood in a foreign language?

We are confronted with a difficult situation.

We are engaged in a difficult task.

It is difficult for us to persuade him.

It is difficult to relate to someone who has different values from you.

You don't seem to understand how difficult it is for young people today to believe in something.

It is difficult to adapt oneself to sudden changes of temperature.

Speaking English is very difficult for me.

It is not difficult to speak English.

Speaking English is difficult.

English is difficult to learn.

To speak English well is difficult.

To master English is difficult.

Is English more difficult than Japanese?

English is difficult, isn't it?

I like English so much, but sometimes it is very difficult for me.

English is not difficult to learn.

English is too difficult for me to understand.

It is difficult to express one's thoughts in English.

It is difficult to walk 60 kilometers a day.

I find it difficult to do all this work in a day.

Doctors have a difficult problem.

The doctor contemplated the difficult operation.

It's very difficult to communicate with people from other cultures.

It is difficult to convey the meaning exactly.

Once you've got into a bad habit, it can be difficult to get out of it.

A bad habit, once formed, is difficult to get rid of.

Ai finds it difficult to make friends with Ken.

How difficult a thing it is, to love, and to be wise, and both at once.

Russian is very difficult to learn.

During the rush hours we find it difficult to get a taxi around here.

It is not so difficult to appreciate good music.

Of course it's difficult to gain access to the Prime Minister.

If I were you, I would have done the same thing in such a difficult situation.

I had a difficult time in Mexico because I couldn't understand all of the Spanish.

It is difficult to satisfy everyone.

Climbing the Matterhorn is difficult.

It is very difficult to handle the bola, but the ancient Incas were very good at it.

Finding an apartment can be difficult.

To speak French is difficult.

French is difficult to learn.

It is difficult to play the piano.

Yes, but it'll be difficult.

It's true that the project is a difficult task, but Mr Hara will be able to bring it off.

It is difficult to understand why you want to go.

Some people are difficult to please.

There nothing so difficult but it becomes easy by practice.

It was difficult for us to decide which one to buy.

Anyway, I'm glad you were able to broach this difficult subject.

People usually find it very difficult to break the ice when they meet someone extremely attractive for the first time.

It was very difficult.

We find it difficult to decide which one to buy.

Tennis is difficult. I never know which way the ball is going to fly.

That would be difficult.

No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplin's early films.

Although it is a very difficult task, I will do my best.

It is clever of her to solve such a difficult problem.

I found it difficult to put it into practice.

It is difficult planning meals for so many people.

It was too difficult for me.

It is a difficult problem.

It is a very difficult job for us.

It seems very difficult for me.

It's too difficult for me.

It is not so difficult as you think.

It was a problem difficult to solve.

It is too difficult a problem for me to solve.

I can not seem to explain to you how difficult it is.

I found it difficult to solve the problem.

The problem is difficult to solve.

The problem is too difficult to solve.

The problem was too difficult for me to solve.

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