Learn how to use died in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.
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It's lonely in the saddle since the horse died.
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He died at a very old age.
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With hunger and fatigue, the dog died at last.
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When the excitement died down, the discussion resumed.
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The strong wind died away at night.
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He died, so we might live.
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The flowers died for lack of water.
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Thousands of people died of hunger.
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The music gradually died away.
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When his wife died, he received dozens of letters of sympathy.
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The flowers in the garden died from the absence of rain.
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All the doctor's efforts were in vain and the man soon died.
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Had he taken his doctor's advice, he might not have died.
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How were the bodies of those who died disposed of?
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He died without having made a will.
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Lincoln died in 1865.
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Without water, the soldiers would have died.
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It has been 200 years since Mozart died.
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So that Michelangelo might paint certain figures on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, so that Shakespeare might write certain speeches and Keats his poems, it seemed to me worthwhile that countless millions should have lived and suffered and died.
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It has been 33 years since Marilyn Monroe died.
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It was not long before the rumor died out.
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Soon the sound died away.
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My pet cat died yesterday.
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Bill died a disappointed man.
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The sound of the parade died away.
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Harry left his family 200 million yen when he died.
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Dr. Yukawa, the Nobel prize winner, died in 1981.
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When Nicole heard that her favorite singer had died, she burst into tears.
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Dick was ten years old when he died.
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Dick died at ten years of age.
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The plants must have died because no one watered them.
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It is a great pity that he died so young.
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Those flowers have died.
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He died three days after.
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The old man died last week.
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The old man died of cancer.
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The workman died from the explosion.
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The actor died at the height of his popularity.
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The animal died from hunger.
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The man died of thirst in a dry country.
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The man died in a car accident.
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As a result of the war, many people died.
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In the war, many people died young.
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The wife and son of the statesman died three years ago.
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When the politician died, everybody hoped the son would follow in his father's footsteps.
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The man died a few hours ago.
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The man died of cancer.
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The animals in the forest died off.
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The plants died for lack of water.
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To make matters worse, her husband died.
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The boy dug a grave for his dog that had died.
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He died the next day.
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Then the motor suddenly died.
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The clerk died from overwork.
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Many peasants died during the drought.
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The painter died young.
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The flower died for want of water.
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The flower died for lack of water.
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It is a pity that the singer died so young.
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The sound died away.
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So far no less than 100 people have died of the plague.
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Thousands of people died during the plague.
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Smith died of a heart attack.
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Do you know John's father died of a heart attack?
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Sarah was at a low ebb for several weeks after her mother died.
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The art of making wooden bowls like these has died out.
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This is believed to be the place where he died.
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Cookie's mother died of cancer.
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Christ died once for all humans.
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The family was shook up when the grandmother died unexpectedly.
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The engine died.
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It is regrettable that she should have died so young.
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That man died of lung cancer a week ago.
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Mr. Fuji died, leaving 4 children behind him.
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Alas, she died young.
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Alas, he died young.
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Her brother nearly died in a traffic accident nine years ago.
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He died aged 54 years.
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Two hundred people died of cholera last year.
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In 1997, the world was surprised again when Mother Teresa died.
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In 1955, the cancer returned and she died in 1956 at the age of 42.
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"His father died yesterday." "I have never seen such a man before."
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My brother died of cancer last year.
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Police shot the armed robber in the head - he died almost immediately.
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When the shooting died down a bit, Daddy ran over to our flat and brought us back some sandwiches.
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When his dog died, he cried his heart out.
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The whole nation was sad to hear that their king died.
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Sadako Sasaki died on October 25, 1955.
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He died lately.
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My wife died of cancer.
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She went nearly mad with grief after the child died.
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My mother died when I was a kid.
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When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb.
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Before he died, he was almost blind.
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The news that he died was a shock to me.
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You're not the one who died.
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The antiques my father left when he died turned out to be nothing but worthless junk.
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At the time we got married, his parents had already died.
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My uncle died of cancer.
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My uncle died of cancer of the stomach yesterday.
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My uncle died of lung cancer.
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Also check out the following words: climatically, underground, gap, seventeenth, Symphony, London's, cousin, parks, Mrs, Susan's.