English example sentences with "dangerous"

Learn how to use dangerous in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You're stepping into dangerous territory.

It is dangerous for you to swim in this river.

We think it is very dangerous that you're climbing the mountain alone.

Dangerous driving should be punished.

If it gets dangerous, give me a call.

The stock market is often called a dangerous one.

Nuclear power plants are dangerous, not to mention nuclear weapons.

Fire is very dangerous.

Fire is always dangerous.

It's dangerous to play around the fire.

Science can be dangerous when applied carelessly.

Drinking and driving can be dangerous.

Lightning can be dangerous.

My parents objected to my traveling alone, saying it would be dangerous.

Is it dangerous to take a subway alone?

I think it's dangerous to climb that mountain alone.

Excessive concern with safety can be dangerous.

Our policies and systems are getting outdated and need revising, but to try to swap horses while crossing a stream might be dangerous.

Robots can withstand dangerous conditions.

It is dangerous to ride a motorbike without a helmet.

Measles can be quite dangerous.

It can be dangerous for young people to ride motorcycles.

New York, where my father is staying on business, is a much more dangerous city than Tokyo.

How did this dangerous state come about?

Finally, in 1314, these games had become so violent and dangerous that King Edward II made a law.

Smoking is dangerous to health.

Flying a kite can be dangerous.

It is dangerous to drive so fast.

You ought to know better than to go to such a dangerous place.

You shouldn't have gone to such a dangerous place.

Don't push me very hard. It's dangerous.

Both of the means are dangerous.

Swimming in the pond is dangerous.

The river is dangerous.

The man extricated Ellie from a dangerous situation.

As the poet says, a little learning is a dangerous thing.

It is dangerous to wield an edged tool in such a way.

It is dangerous to cross that old bridge.

Sports can be dangerous if safety is ignored.

Driving too fast is dangerous.

Hence one can say that, of all political ideals, that of making people happy is the most dangerous.

The mixture of these substances is dangerous.

This tool, if used carelessly, can be very dangerous.

It is very dangerous to cross this street.

This river is dangerous to swim in.

This river is dangerous for children to swim in.

This river is very dangerous to swim in.

This river is dangerous to swim across.

This river is dangerous to swim in, in July.

It's dangerous to swim in this river.

It's dangerous to climb this mountain.

It's dangerous to swim in this lake.

It must be dangerous to swim in this rapid stream.

This machine is most dangerous; don't touch it.

It is dangerous to bathe in this river.

It is dangerous to cross the street here.

It is dangerous to swim here.

Credit cards are useful but dangerous.

It's dangerous to tell Chris your secrets because he tells everybody.

It was boredom that Aldous Huxley considered one of the most dangerous human conditions.

Regard all art critics as useless and dangerous.

It is dangerous to drink too much.

That river is dangerous to swim in.

I think it's dangerous to swim in that river.

It is dangerous to climb that mountain.

That dog is too dangerous to be left loose.

I think it is dangerous for you to drive a car.

It is dangerous for you to travel to a foreign country by yourself.

I think it dangerous for you to cross the river.

There seem to be dangerous developments in the military.

A dog is sometimes a dangerous animal.

They say one's forties are a dangerous time of life.

It is dangerous for children to play near this pond.

It is dangerous for children to play in the street.

I think it dangerous for children to play in the pond.

It is very dangerous for children to play on the street.

It is dangerous for children to go out alone at night.

Children should keep away from the danger. It's dangerous.

Children should keep away from the river. It's dangerous.

Don't let your children go to dangerous places.

Do you think it dangerous that I swim across the river?

It is dangerous for us to be out after eight o'clock.

We thought it dangerous for her to go alone.

I think it dangerous to swim in the lake.

I dare not go to such a dangerous place.

I think it dangerous for children to swim in this lake.

Two people riding on a bicycle at the same time is dangerous.

Wounded bears are usually very dangerous.

It's dangerous for a beginner to swim here.

A little learning is a dangerous thing.

There is no more dangerous experiment than that of undertaking to be one thing before a man's face and another behind his back.

Man is a more dangerous foe to man than the elements of nature or animals in the wild.

There is a tendency for people to think that hang gliding is dangerous.

The water of the water supply is dangerous.

Uncontrolled, these forces may be dangerous and destructive, but once mastered they can be bent to man's will and desire.

Quick judgements are dangerous.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

It's dangerous to expose babies to strong sunlight.

It's dangerous for you to cross the street when the light is red.

According to an expert, neither mountaineering nor skiing is dangerous.

People who make no noise are dangerous.

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