English example sentences with "damage"

Learn how to use damage in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Smoking does damage your lungs.

We went to court when they refused to pay for the damage.

We are liable for the damage.

The house did not suffer much damage because the fire was quickly put out.

The damage is done.

The storm did great damage to her property.

The explosion did a lot of damage to the building.

The earthquake caused widespread damage.

The typhoon did great damage to the village.

The damage from the typhoon was enormous.

The damage was covered by insurance.

The damage of the disaster has been enormous.

The flood did a lot of damage to the village.

The flood caused a great deal of damage to the crop.

All this damage is the result of the storm.

We should do more to protect the ozone layer from further damage.

I will make up for the damage I did to your car.

The flood did great damage to the crops.

The flood did the village extensive damage.

The flood caused a lot of damage.

The damage from the flood was negligible.

It will damage the crops.

It seems that much damage was done by yesterday's battle.

I paid for the damage.

We estimated the damage at 1000 dollars.

We carry out some research into the causes of brain damage.

I have some damage to my vision.

The crop suffered serious damage as a consequence of the early frost.

Instead of putting the car into gear, she put it into reverse, causing a great deal of damage to the store-front.

Apart from several windowpanes, there was no major damage.

It is high time we thought more about the damage to the world's climate.

The government compensated the farmers for the damage to the crops.

The unprecedented drought did severe damage to the wheat harvest.

The damage amounted to five million yen.

The extent of the damage is inestimable.

The typhoon struck the city, causing great damage.

We suffered heavy damage from the typhoon.

The typhoon did great damage to the rice crop.

The typhoon caused damage in many areas.

The damage of the typhoon spread over several prefectures.

The typhoon caused immeasurable damage.

The typhoon did not a little damage to the crops.

The typhoon did much damage to the crops.

The typhoon caused great damage to the crops.

The storm did a lot of damage to the crops.

Typhoons bring about damage every year.

The heavy rain brought the flood, causing damage.

No major damage or injuries are known to have resulted from the quake measuring 3.0 on the Richter scale.

The prolonged drought did severe damage to crops.

The spell of drought did severe damage to the harvest.

The drought did severe damage to the harvest.

He will make amends for the damage.

She blamed the damage on John.

She blamed John for the damage.

The damage was held to a minimum.

The damage will cost us a lot of money.

The earthquake in Hokkaido caused extensive damage.

A severe typhoon has done much damage to property.

The storm caused a lot of damage.

The storm did heavy damage to the crops.

The storm brought about much damage.

The storm brought about a lot of damage.

Beavers rarely inflict damage on people.

Mountain fires are thought of causing little harm with the only damage being the burning of trees and shrubs, but actually there's a hell of a 'hidden character'.

We've taken a hit. Trivial damage.

In my daily life I take care in various ways of my body so as not to damage my health.

There was no damage to the office, or workers, and we're in business as usual.

The new trendy way to drink vodka is to pour it directly into your eye socket. However, doing so could seriously damage your vision.

Any act whatever of a man, which causes damage to another, obliges the one by whose fault it occurred to compensate it.

We estimate the damage at one thousand dollars.

There was damage to the computer.

How much damage is there to the car?

There was damage to the pipe.

You have to open the envelope carefully so as not to damage the cheque.

It would damage the corn.

Due to the catastrophe caused by the huge tsunami, damage was sustained by the nuclear reactor as well as explosions at the nuclear power plant.

We suffered a lot of damage.

If you want to have parties in my house, clean up everything afterwards, and don't break anything, or else pay for the damage.

Most of the war damage was there.

Kuwait suffered severe damage.

Hundreds of cities and towns suffered damage.

Binge drinking can damage the amygdala.

A category 5 hurricane causes maximum damage.

Everywhere you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake.

No matter where you look you can see damage caused by the earthquake.

No matter where you looked you could see damage caused by the earthquake.

The plants suffered damage from the frost.

Tom was afraid that the typhoon would damage his house.

The storm caused much damage to the crop.

The storm caused a lot of damage to the crop.

I'm a damage doer.

I am a damage doer.

Opponents say genetically engineered crops can cross-pollinate and damage other crops.

Let's just say when that massive fire log hit my foot I know there was damage.

The storm didn't cause any damage.

Have you come to file a damage report?

The typhoon did a lot of damage to the crops.

Introducing foreign plants, such as palm trees can damage ecosystems.

The introduction of foreign plants and animals can cause severe damage to ecosystems.

The frost did a lot of damage to the crops.

The damage was done.

Also check out the following words: balance, national, budget, glad, hear, cannot, prove, Computers, helps, information.