English example sentences with "copy"

Learn how to use copy in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

The picture you are looking at is a copy of a Picasso.

You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.

If it is free, please send me a copy.

Please send me another copy.

Mayuko made a fair copy of the draft.

Every child needs someone to look up to and copy.

I am sending a copy of my letter to you.

That's a copy.

The copy agrees with the original.

The author presented a copy of his latest book to me.

Please copy this.

Can you copy this for me?

Is this your copy of the dictionary?

This is an exact copy of the original.

Give me a copy of this book.

Make a copy of this report.

Copy this page in your notebook.

Please copy this page.

That copy differs from the original.

That painting is a copy.

You don't have to write out a clean copy of your composition.

Subtle differences in tone discriminate the original from the copy.

The original and the copy are easily distinguished since the one is much more vivid than the other.

The original and the copy are easily distinguished.

We were made to copy some English words.

I want to buy a copy of the book, but it is out of print.

Will you please order a copy of the book from the publisher?

Compare the copy with the original.

Your son is almost the copy of your father.

It is illegal to copy from books without the author's permission.

I would very much appreciate receiving a copy of the book.

Enclosed is a copy of the bank transfer receipt.

He compared the copy with the original.

He's a carbon copy of his father.

He had his secretary make another copy.

I can give you a copy of the report, but I can't vouch for its accuracy.

After a long wait in line, she was told she should get a certified copy of her birth certificate as identification.

Ah, if you can dub it, can I ask for a copy as well?

It's a comparison of setting the white balance to "auto" versus presetting it with white copy paper.

Light source, that is what direction the light is facing, also take care with shadowing. Just copy down into the sketch book you have at hand as accurately as possible.

Hiroshi is worn out with worry since he lost the only copy of the book he needed for his report.

Yesterday I stumbled across a copy of my father's family register.

First, in order to get a feel for your favourite author's work, transcribe and copy in full.

The Russians copy the French ways, but always fifty years later.

Could you please copy this report?

Copy this program on your computer.

It is impossible to burn a copy of Dante's Inferno because the ice of the ninth layer of hell will put out any fires kindled with earlier pages.

You can borrow a copy from any public library.

Presidential sex scandals always make good copy.

I'll give a copy to anyone who asks for it.

When a thing has been said and well said, have no scruple: take it and copy it.

This is a copy of a photo of a painting. I guess that makes it a third level simulacrum.

I keep the master copy under lock and key.

Did you give a copy of the disk to anyone?

Do you have more than one copy of this key?

I will send you a copy of my plans as soon as I can.

I will send you a copy of this picture as soon as I can.

In the tenth century, the city of Shiraz already held a library that reputedly featured a copy of every known book at the time.

Copy this, please.

Tom asked for permission to use the copy machine.

Put some paper into the copy machine.

Good artists copy, great artists steal.

It wouldn't be right for me to let you copy my work.

Don't copy my answers.

I just got my copy last week.

Do you copy?

In her notebook, she drew a copy of the picture that was in the book.

My botched sentence must be the stillborn child of an aborted copy and paste.

Next week, I will ask Mr Nemoto or Mr Sekiguchi to bring back the original copy.

Is that a library book or is it your own copy?

I'd like to get a copy of that report.

He had a copy made of this key.

I want you to have a copy of this.

I'd like a copy of the autopsy report.

I want a copy of Tom's daily schedule.

I wanted Tom to have a copy of my new novel.

I'd like a copy of that document as soon as possible.

Do you have a copy?

I let my friend copy my homework.

Don't copy that floppy.

Copy this file.

Here's a copy.

Compare this copy with the original.

I couldn't get another copy of the book.

Keep a copy of that document.

Make a final copy of the letter.

Please correct this copy for me.

This copy is full of mistakes.

This is a duplicate copy.

This painting is a good copy of the original.

He's making a copy.

I would rather fail than copy.

I faxed Tom a copy of my receipt.

I faxed Tom a copy of the contract.

The teacher gave us a copy of the syllabus in the first class.

I'm going to need a copy.

I found the lyrics, but I can't copy paste them.

If you copy my sentences, then I'll copy yours!

If you copy my sentences, then I'll copy yours!

I need to make a copy.

Tom made a copy.

Also check out the following words: loved, lonely, saddle, horse, died, Mathematics, part, science, continue, discovered.