English example sentences with "cooperative"

Learn how to use cooperative in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

It's not only the health aspects of sports that appeal to people, but the cooperative aspect that team sports teach, and the competitive aspect in itself.

I am impatient with those who aren't cooperative.

My mother attached herself to a cooperative society.

So let's be friends and enjoy our very cooperative community as well as the richness and diversity of languages ​​and their cultures!

Algorithm execution is not limited to machines. Some advances can be achieved by cooperative behavior.

We're cooperative.

You're cooperative.

Tom is cooperative.

I'm cooperative.

Tom isn't cooperative.

Tom was cooperative.

Tom is much more cooperative now.

Tom was very cooperative.

Thank you for being so cooperative.

I suggest you be a little more cooperative.

Tom is being very cooperative.

Tom has been very cooperative.

Tom has been cooperative.

I think Tom is cooperative.

We've been cooperative.

Tom has been extremely cooperative.

Were you cooperative?

Tom is very cooperative.

Tom is quite cooperative.

Tom has been quite cooperative.

Tom used to be cooperative.

The people there are very hardworking and above all, cooperative.

Dan was cooperative with the police.

They were cooperative.

He wasn't cooperative.

When we had a cooperative Congress, we got a whole lot more done. So far, a lot of Republicans in Congress have been unwilling to act on these agenda items that I just mentioned.

The police were very cooperative.

I was cooperative.

Fadil seemed to be very cooperative with police.

Tom said that I wasn't being cooperative.

Tom has been very cooperative with the police.

Tom wasn't cooperative.

Tom thought Mary wasn't being very cooperative.

I think we've been cooperative.

Tom may be cooperative.

Tom might be cooperative.

I thought Tom wasn't as cooperative as he should've been.

Tom could be cooperative. I guess we'll find out soon enough.

I doubt very seriously that Tom will be cooperative.

I didn't think Tom would be cooperative, but he was.

I hope Tom is cooperative.

I was hoping Tom would be more cooperative.

I probably should've been more cooperative.

Tom said he's been trying to be cooperative.

I think Tom would like to be cooperative.

I thought Tom would be more cooperative.

I didn't think Tom would be cooperative.

I don't think Tom will be cooperative.

Do you think Tom will be cooperative?

I was hoping you'd be more cooperative.

Tom isn't likely to be cooperative.

I thought Tom would be cooperative.

I doubt if Tom will be cooperative.

I didn't think Tom was cooperative.

I'm sure Tom will be cooperative.

I think Tom would be cooperative.

I think Tom won't be cooperative.

I think Tom will be cooperative.

Tom told me that he'd be cooperative.

Tom said he wanted to be cooperative.

I thought Tom was cooperative.

Tom should've been more cooperative.

Tom thought Mary wasn't as cooperative as she should've been.

Tom didn't think Mary would be cooperative, but she was.

Tom could've been more cooperative.

Tom said Mary would probably still be cooperative.

Tom said Mary will probably still be cooperative.

Tom will probably be cooperative.

Tom said Mary has been trying to be cooperative.

I'm trying to be cooperative.

Tom won't likely be cooperative.

Tom told Mary that John had been cooperative.

Tom likely won't be cooperative.

Tom is likely to be cooperative.

Tom will likely be cooperative.

Tom won't likely be as cooperative as Mary.

Tom thought Mary would be more cooperative.

Tom should've been cooperative.

Tom said Mary was likely to be cooperative.

Tom doesn't think Mary will be cooperative.

Tom didn't think Mary would be cooperative.

I wanted to be cooperative.

Tom thought Mary would be cooperative.

Tom wasn't very cooperative.

Tom wants to be cooperative.

Tom didn't think Mary was cooperative.

Tom needs to be cooperative.

Tom thinks Mary won't be cooperative.

Tom thinks Mary will be cooperative.

Tom won't be cooperative.

Tom thought Mary was cooperative.

Tom will be cooperative.

Do you really think Tom will be cooperative?

It looks like Tom is being cooperative.

I wonder why Tom is so cooperative.

I heard you weren't very cooperative.

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