English example sentences with "concentrate"

Learn how to use concentrate in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

They're making too much noise. I can't concentrate.

Why did you wake me up to tell me something that big? Now, I'll never be able to concentrate on my work!

Turn off the television. I can't concentrate.

You should concentrate on the road when you're driving.

It's good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on your work, but you're completely ignoring the people around you.

You should concentrate on one thing and learn to do it well.

The TV was so noisy that I couldn't concentrate on my reading.

We must concentrate our efforts on the desk.

Concentrate your attention on this problem.

You've lost the ability to concentrate.

You must concentrate your attention on what you are doing.

If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English, you will master the language.

I can't concentrate on my work because of the noise.

The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.

Settle down for a while and concentrate.

Don't look out the window. Concentrate on your work.

All you have to do is to concentrate.

Rejecting the urging of his physician father to study medicine, Hawking chose instead to concentrate on mathematics and physics.

He is unable to concentrate on his academic work.

The average man fails not because he lacks ability, but because he lacks ability to concentrate.

You have to concentrate on your recovery.

A good ballboy or ballgirl must be able to concentrate hard and run fast.

He tried to concentrate on the letter.

You only need to concentrate.

Please stop talking. I need to concentrate on my game.

It's good to be able to concentrate single-mindedly on one's work. But one becomes completely forgetful of the people around oneself.

I'm too tired to concentrate on this problem right now.

Tom couldn't concentrate on his work.

It's getting harder for me to concentrate.

They're too noisy; I can't concentrate.

How can you concentrate?

I wasn't told much to study in my home. It's because before tests I used to concentrate and study quite a bit.

I can't concentrate if you keep tapping me on the shoulder.

I can't concentrate on that problem right now.

I can't concentrate while you're here.

Let's concentrate on the job at hand.

Let's concentrate.

He couldn't concentrate on the conversation.

Concentrate on your mission!

Concentrate on the mission!

Concentrate on our mission!

Tom must concentrate.

I must concentrate.

Try to concentrate.

I'm trying to concentrate.

I need to concentrate.

Concentrate, Tom.

It's hard for me to concentrate today.

Sometimes it's better to concentrate on a modest objective in order to achieve a more ambitious one.

You'll have to concentrate a bit more.

You've got to concentrate.

Tom closed his eyes and tried to concentrate.

Tom tried to concentrate.

We need to concentrate on coming up with a new plan.

After her first date with Tom, Mary was distracted all day, couldn't concentrate on her classes and didn't feel hungry.

You must concentrate entirely on your recovery.

It's hard for me to concentrate on the task.

Currently, the most lacking thing about myself is probably my ability to concentrate.

We must concentrate on that.

You have to concentrate more.

Tom couldn't concentrate.

Tom seemed to be unable to concentrate.

Tom tried to concentrate on his work.

Tom was unable to concentrate.

I suggest we concentrate on finding a way out of this cave.

Right now, I suggest you concentrate on getting this report finished.

We should concentrate on one thing at a time.

Tom was preoccupied with problems at home, and found it hard to concentrate at work.

It was very difficult for you to concentrate.

I cannot concentrate at all.

For now, I'd like to concentrate on this.

Let me concentrate.

Just let me concentrate.

Why don't you just concentrate on your work?

Concentrate on what you're doing.

Concentrate on what you're doing, not on what your classmates are doing.

I can't concentrate with all this commotion going on.

If you concentrate, you'll be able to finish within a shorter time interval.

Could you concentrate a bit more on your exercises? Otherwise, you'll never finish them.

In modern professional tennis, winning a big tournament is considered a greater achievement than winning several smaller tournaments of the same combined value. Hence, top players typically concentrate on bigger tournaments and only play a few smaller ones in between. Consequently, top players play and win fewer matches than before. Since Ivan Lendl won 106 out of 115 matches he played in 1982, nobody won more than 90 matches in a single season, except Roger Federer, who went 92-5 in 2006.

I can't concentrate. Do you mind turning off the TV?

I think we should concentrate on other things.

Let's concentrate on the future, OK?

Let's concentrate on the future.

Let's concentrate on what needs to be done today.

I want to concentrate on that.

Tom found it hard to concentrate.

She found it hard to concentrate.

He is suffering from a mental illness that can lead to insomnia, depression, anxiety, inability to concentrate, loss of appetite, suicidal thoughts, high blood pressure, and bouts of uncontrolled aggression. This is a form of psychosis which is generally known in common parlance as "love."

Very low oxygen levels result in impaired judgment and ability to concentrate, lack of night vision acuity, shortness of breath, nausea, and fatigue.

I want to concentrate on boxing.

Is it difficult to concentrate?

I couldn't concentrate long.

I can't concentrate on my work.

Freshly pressed juice is more expensive than juice from concentrate.

I can't concentrate.

I have to concentrate on my work.

You'd better concentrate on your job!

Let's concentrate instead on the benefits of the matter!

Sami quit his job to concentrate full time on college.

Sami is just going to concentrate on his studies.

Also check out the following words: relegated, Vince, lesser, officer, abusing, Joan, Arc, refused, renounce, voice.