English example sentences with "choose"

Learn how to use choose in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You may choose either of the two books.

Choose your favorite racket.

Choose such friends as will benefit you.

I don't care whichever you choose.

Choose the color you like the best.

He was at a loss as to which faculty to choose.

Choose the one.

Choose such friends as will benefit you, they say. That is why I am on intimate terms with Mr Aoki.

It is important for us to choose good friends.

In the absence of a better idea I had to choose this method.

It was very wise of her to choose the other one.

Choose whatever dish you want from the menu.

Would you send, by real mail, some brochures that will help me to choose a hotel?

Why did you choose that particular subject?

Why did you choose such a subject?

Tell me which one to choose.

Choose any one book you like.

Choose three books at random.

Whichever way we choose will involve danger.

Please advise me which subject I should choose.

Which concert did you choose to attend?

Whichever you choose, you will be satisfied.

I don't know which dress to choose; it's a toss up between the red one and the green one.

It won't make any difference whichever you choose.

Whichever you choose, make sure it is a good one.

Whichever you may choose, it will do you a lot of good.

I am of two minds about which to choose.

It lies with you to decide which to choose.

It's entirely up to you which one you may choose.

You may choose whichever book you want to read.

You may choose whichever book you like.

I could not decide which way to choose.

You may choose whichever you want.

You may choose whichever you like.

Choose whichever you want.

You can choose whichever color you like.

Choose such friends as will benefit you, they say.

For example, Koko was asked to choose a house or a tree for shelter from the rain.

Whichever you choose, you cannot lose.

Choose whichever of them is becoming to you.

It rests with you to decide whom to choose for the job.

Choose from this list the things you'll need on your trip.

Choose one from among these.

Choose any one from among these.

Choose one from among these prizes.

Please choose between this one and that one.

You may choose what to eat from this list.

Choose between these two.

The best thing in the world for a man is to choose a good wife, the worst being to mistakenly choose an ill-suited one.

The best thing in the world for a man is to choose a good wife, the worst being to mistakenly choose an ill-suited one.

Choose any of these pens.

You can handle this project any way you choose.

Please choose me a tie for this suit.

Choose either of the two T-shirts.

You may go if you choose.

Which way did you choose?

You may choose any of them.

You may choose any book you like.

Choose a dress you like.

Choose friends you can rely on.

Choose either one or the other.

Be nice to your kids. They'll choose your nursing home, after all.

You must choose between honor and death.

Choose any dress you like.

You may choose what you like.

Choose any flowers you like.

You may go with him if you choose.

You cannot be too careful when you choose your job.

I had to choose between A and B.

I don't know which to choose.

I can't decide which to choose.

I would choose honor before money.

I will most likely choose him as our president.

You must choose the second-best policy according to the circumstances.

I cannot choose but hear.

You should choose a job in relation to your talents and interests.

They want to choose their mates by their own will.

Choose a present carefully.

Did you choose an interesting book for your son?

Other things being equal, I choose the cheaper one.

Those who choose to retire can do so as early as sixty-two, although starting to draw their Social Security distributions at that age would mean that the payments would be reduced by twenty percent.

Who shall I choose?

I had to choose between the two.

Choose between the two.

One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.

One of the important differences between Japanese and Americans is that Japanese tend to choose a safe course in life, while Americans choose to explore and challenge life.

I had to choose going with him or staying here alone.

She had to choose her words carefully.

She will help me choose myself a new car.

She took a long time to choose her hat.

It took her a long time to choose a hat.

I will choose them for my mother.

Choose a book carefully.

The question is which to choose.

You should choose your friends very carefully.

Which will he choose, I wonder, martial arts or death?

I was surprised to come across vending machines that sell cans of coffee, where you can even choose between hot and cold ones.

People taking pharmacy with the intent of becoming chemists should choose the six year course.

Choose between this and that.

Choose one person.

Please choose one person.

Also check out the following words: myself, high, school, got, every, morning, woke, sad, somewhat, explained.