English example sentences with "cheese"

Learn how to use cheese in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Cheese is a solid food made from the milk of cows, goats, sheep, and other mammals.

We make milk into cheese and butter.

Milk is made into butter and cheese.

Milk can be made into butter, cheese, and many other things.

Some children brought peanut butter sandwiches, some ham, and others cheese.

Cheese is made from milk.

Which would you like to have with your bread, butter or cheese?

Butter and cheese are made from milk.

Tom doesn't like cheese.

Tom likes cheese.

There were four pieces of cheese on the table.

I would like to buy some cheese.

Don't you know cheese is made from milk?

Cheese doesn't digest easily.

Cheese cuts easily with a knife.

Don't thrust your knife into the cheese.

Cheese often lures a mouse into a trap.

Which way is the cheese shelf?

Would you teach me how to make cheese?

Cheese and butter are products made from milk.

Have you ever had cheese with apple pie?

I'd like some cheese.

That cheese is made from sheep's milk.

George had a lot of cheese for breakfast.

This smells like cheese.

The store sells foodstuffs, such as butter, cheese, and sugar.

This cheese has a sharp taste.

This cake tastes like it has cheese in it.

Would you pass me the cream cheese, please?

I don't like cheese very much.

I like cheese, much more cheesecake.

I bought some cheese and a little milk.

I like butter better than cheese.

I bought butter, cheese, eggs and what not.

I don't like cheese for breakfast, nor does my wife.

I like meat, cheese and tomato sandwiches.

Within a couple of minutes, she had eaten up all the bread and cheese.

Mother made us cheese sandwiches for lunch.

Mother cut the cheese with a knife.

Oh, Tae, this cheese is a winner!

Butter, bread and green cheese; whoever can't say that is not an upright Frisian.

I prefer mature cheese.

At the market such cheese costs only five euro something per kilo.

How about some chocolate cheese?

I ate the cheese.

It's easy to cut cheese with a knife.

Consisting of bacon and cheese, the sandwich was quite greasy.

I bought some cheese and milk.

His breath smells like goat cheese.

Everybody knows the moon is made of cheese.

The smell of macaroni and cheese makes me nauseous.

The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese.

The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese.

The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese.

The more cheese, the more holes. The more holes, the less cheese. Thus: The more cheese, the less cheese.

The mouse was lured into the trap by a big piece of cheese.

So all you need is good cheese and a jar of black cherry jam.

Tartiflette is a delicious potatoe and reblochon cheese based dish.

If cheese is good, but the cake is a lie, what is a cheesecake? A good lie.

The calzone is a pizza-like turnover, filled with tomatoes and cheese, whose name comes from an Italian word for "pants."

I like cheese pizza.

Graters are good for cheese, potatoes, ginger, and other things you might need little shreds of.

He was a pitiable spectacle of neglect and wretchedness as he sat there on an upturned pail, eating his bread and cheese with fingers that, like his clothing, were grimed with paint and dirt.

That cheese is made from goat's milk.

May I have a couple of cheese sandwiches?

Tom does not like cheese.

Like cheese swimming in butter.

Many's the long night I've dreamed of cheese — toasted mostly.

What's your favorite cheese to eat when drinking wine?

Two heaping handfuls of cheese made for a rather unwieldy quesadilla.

Tom does not love cheese.

You're comparing chalk and cheese!

That was one of the best grilled cheese sandwiches I've ever eaten.

Cheese is easy to cut with a knife.

Tom doesn't like cheese very much.

Tom bought a pound of cheese.

Tom ate one slice of Swiss cheese.

I'm a cheese connoisseur.

Frank eats some cheese.

I'm going to buy meat, cheese, and tomatoes.

The cheese is not the same color as quesillo.

Cheese, butter, cream, yogurt and kefir are dairy products.

Cheese and other dairy products do not agree with me.

When it comes to cheese, it's Camembert. More than the taste, it makes me nostalgic.

Welcome to the long night of cheese and wine.

I'll buy some cheese and bread.

Add two ounces of grated cheese.

Age doesn't lead to maturity, unless you're a cheese.

I'll eat almost anything, but I'm very fickle when it comes to cheese.

I would like a piece of cheese.

The kibbeh comes stuffed with cheese.

Tom might not eat this kind of cheese.

Tom sat by the pool drinking red wine and eating expensive cheese.

It's been a while since I've eaten cottage cheese.

Say cheese.

I still remember he loves cheese.

Everyone, say cheese.

I love cheese.

Cheese goes mouldy if you don't put it in fridge.

Do you know what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in Paris?

We don't like cheese.

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