English example sentences with "banned"

Learn how to use banned in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

Smoking is now banned on all domestic plane flights.

You are banned from entering this place.

It's my view that guns should be banned.

After the accident, he was banned from driving.

Smoking is banned in the train.

In 1980 the Ontario Censor Board banned the film "The Tin Drum," adapted from the Günter Grass novel, but the media found this silly, and so the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) showed the offending scene that night from coast to coast on the national news.

The government banned cigarette advertising on television.

Hunting is banned in national parks.

Smoking is banned in restaurants in California.

The sale of cigarettes should be banned.

Banned books are books to which free access is not permitted.

Tom is banned from entering this building.

The hooligans have been banned from matches.

France has banned a strain of genetically modified maize.

Cockfighting is banned in many countries.

Why was I banned?

The book was banned in several countries.

The emperor Theodosius made Christianity the state religion and banned other religions.

Smoking is banned in restaurants and bars.

They have banned the use of plastic bags to carry groceries.

They banned French as a language of instruction at schools.

Selfie sticks are banned in many museums and galleries.

So I just learned from a post on Facebook that the account that I thought wasn't working got hacked, some bad stuff happened, and it got banned. I was on vacation, so I had no idea this had transpired, and I hope that by posting this here, I can clear up that I didn't have anything to do with that, but I'd like to know who did.

Although King Harkinian is pretty much an omnivore, as much as a human being could ever be, his favourite food is by far the fabled Munf Munf cereal. One curious exception to his habit of eating everything that's on the dinner table is spaghetti, which he loathes deeply and has decreed that nobody may bring it into the Hyrule Castle. Luigi and Mario are the only people banned from the Hyrule Kingdom for life for violating this order.

Plastic grocery bags have been banned.

The members wanted Tom banned from the club.

He was banned from practising medicine.

I have been banned many times.

You have been banned from participating until further notice.

I've been banned from the art room.

Some schools have banned students from wearing creepy clown costumes for Halloween.

Anabolic steroids are banned by the International Olympic Committee.

Chewing gum is banned in this school.

I thought guns were banned in Boston.

Did Tom use any banned substances?

Did Tom take banned substances?

Tractors should be banned.

I think Tom got banned.

Tom has been banned from this website.

My website is banned in China.

That website is banned in China.

This is on the list of banned websites.

This book is banned.

This is on the list of banned books.

Books should not be banned.

You are banned from this website.

I was banned from that forum.

They banned me.

You are now banned.

The five-paragraph essay structure should be banned.

Seat belts should be banned.

When Maria discovered what Tom's alleged language studies on the Internet were, she banned his computer use for a while.

Guns should be banned.

The government has banned all of the country's non-official languages.

The school banned fidget spinners.

Certain polluting activities have been banned.

Using this mod can get you banned from online play. Use it at our own risk!

Friendly Fire is enabled on this server, but griefers will be banned.

Players using exploits are getting banned.

Layla's family banned her from seeing Sami.

I was banned.

Sami banned any kind of media into his home.

Many Palestinians are banned from living with their spouses in Israel, but of course, some continue to claim that Israel is not an apartheid state.

Tom got himself banned from every association and organization except the local breakdancers union #119.

I'm banned from the theater.

Sami has been banned from that store.

French students will be banned from using mobile phones on school grounds.

That teacher was banned from substitute teaching.

Chile has banned plastic bags.

Authorities in Poland last week banned swimming at over 50 beaches along its Baltic coast, after hot weather led to the growth of toxic bacteria in the unusually warm sea.

Sami was banned from college.

Sami was banned from that school.

Sami has been banned from college.

I think that Tom got banned.

I thought that guns were banned in Boston.

YouTube is banned in China.

Are calculators banned from the math exam?

The flag of the separatist group was recently banned at a Kabyle music concert in Paris.

The separatist flag is banned in Algeria.

Tricycles are banned in some cities in Vietnam.

Al Jazeera is banned in Algeria.

Al Jazeera continues to be banned in Algeria.

Al Jazeera has been banned from Algeria.

The state of New York has banned cat declawing.

Alcohol isn't banned in Algeria.

Daesh banned almost any form of entertainment.

Many Muslim emigrants and refugees are banned from entering the US.

The 1987 international Montreal Protocol banned many of the chlorine compounds used in refrigerants and aerosols, like hairspray, to lessen the damage. Since then, the size of the ozone hole has slowly declined but remains large enough to produce significant ozone loss.

Animal testing should be banned.

They banned the wearing of the hijab.

They banned the wearing of the hijab in public buildings.

Private fireworks are banned in many countries.

Authorities first banned planes and trains from leaving the city of Wuhan, where the coronavirus is believed to have originated. Toll roads were closed, and ferry, subway and bus services were also suspended.

Many ex-Algerian officials are banned from leaving the country.

Some ex-Algerian officials are banned from traveling.

Are Berber names still banned in Algeria?

This product is banned in Algeria.

He was banned from traveling to Algeria.

Authorities have banned all demonstrations and public gatherings, including sporting events and church services as Italy deals with the biggest outbreak in Europe.

With the advent of Algeria’s independence in 1962, the Kabyle language was denied acknowledgement, repressed and banned.

Under the new order, all open-air gatherings of people are banned, as are sporting events and sporting facilities, including swimming pools, spas, sport halls and ski resorts.

Also check out the following words: ago, expect, schools, understand, mathematicians, express, themselves, explicitly, stupid, need.