English example sentences with "atmosphere"

Learn how to use atmosphere in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

This place has a mysterious atmosphere.

As for the air, there is always some moisture in the atmosphere, but when the amount increases a great deal, it affects the light waves.

According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year.

The rocket blasted out of the atmosphere.

The atmosphere in the room was hot and smoky.

That restaurant has a very nice atmosphere.

What Jane said made the atmosphere less tense.

We have no other alternative but to swap horses midstream and inject a fresh atmosphere and new ideas into our organization.

All at once, the Buddhist priest burst into laughter, spoiling the solemn atmosphere.

There is a friendly atmosphere in the office.

Polite language, in a sense, spoils a casual atmosphere.

The hotel has a homey atmosphere.

Your house has a very cozy atmosphere.

The atmosphere becomes thinner as you climb higher.

Particles of dust float in the atmosphere.

Children reflect the family atmosphere.

I was in a coffee bar soaking in the atmosphere.

I like the atmosphere of this restaurant.

I was immersed in the happy atmosphere of the occasion.

I don't like the polluted atmosphere of big cities.

Solar energy seems to offer more hope than any other source of energy, particularly because those areas most in need of water lie rather close to the equator and have a relatively clear atmosphere.

The atmosphere is being polluted.

The atmosphere surrounds the earth.

Even the upper atmosphere is polluted.

The atmosphere forms a major part of the environment to which life responds.

The atmosphere in a large city is polluted.

The atmosphere became strained when he came.

There was a tense atmosphere in the room.

The atmosphere was uncomfortable.

The atmosphere can become rather strained.

They had a long talk in an atmosphere of peace and freedom.

I don't like the atmosphere of that school.

I had a nagging feeling that the atmosphere resembled somebody and, now that you mention it, yes, you're right. Certainly ZZ TOP had this kind of feel.

I saw one, a mermaid, when I was a primary schooler. But it wasn't that sort of fairy-tale atmosphere of a story.

Please enjoy a calm time in a relaxed atmosphere beauty salon.

These solvents, due to their volatility, evaporate into the atmosphere when used.

When warm, light, air crosses mountains it rises into the upper atmosphere and does not fall back to the ground. In this, and other, ways wind changes with the terrain.

For that reason it's always held in a fresh atmosphere, and this time too it was a fulfilling day.

Please refrain from making posts that disrupt this site's atmosphere.

The asteroid broke up into small pieces as it entered Earth's atmosphere.

There's volcanic ash in the atmosphere.

The atmosphere is made up of oxygen.

The atmosphere in this restaurant is nice.

It is a term used to describe the warming of the earth due to increasing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

People there decorate their homes with potted flowers to add to the festival atmosphere.

This implies a fun and relaxed working atmosphere where team achievement is highly valued, communication is extremely important and traditional 3-hour meetings have been replaced by informal chats in the queue for coffee.

The atmosphere in Washington became very tense.

Filters stop emission of gas into the atmosphere.

Fresh snow brought about a festive atmosphere.

This place has a mysterious atmosphere to it.

This is a term used to describe the warming of the earth, due to growing amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

A Soviet spacecraft reached Venus' atmosphere in 1967, but lost communication with our planet just when it came close.

That hotel has a homey atmosphere.

The surface of Jupiter is inhospitable with more than two and a half times Earth's gravity and a poisonous gas atmosphere.

The deep night and the full moon offered us only the atmosphere as a gift.

The moon has no atmosphere.

Mars is a large rock with a thin atmosphere.

The Earth possesses a thick, oxygenated atmosphere.

The atmosphere mostly consists of nitrogen and oxygen.

The moon doesn't have an atmosphere.

Terraformers wanted to modify the Venusian atmosphere so that some day it might support life.

The atmosphere on Mars is over 95% carbon dioxide.

Over 95% of Titan's atmosphere is nitrogen.

The hotel has a pleasant atmosphere.

Traditions help to recreate the home's atmosphere.

It's a festive atmosphere.

Natural languages are not a reflection of the peoples' culture but rather a result of a massive, uncontrolled and hasty urbanization process, which stripped people of their true national identity only to substitute it with the cattle atmosphere of McDonald's, reality TV and commercial porn.

He sang a song to lighten the atmosphere.

The sharp tone of his words chilled the atmosphere.

There was a different kind of atmosphere in the headquarters.

In an atmosphere of absolute apathy, any act is a revolutionary act.

The atmosphere is relaxed and informal.

Aurora Borealis, or the "northern lights", occurs 80 to 160 km (50 to 100 miles) above the earth when energetic particles from a solar storm cause the gases in the upper atmosphere to glow. Auroras can last between a few minutes to several hours. It's common across Alaska and northern Canada.

Cirrus clouds are thin, wispy clouds that form high in the atmosphere as their water vapor freezes into ice crystals. Cirrus is one of the principal types of clouds.

Aurora Borealis or the "northern lights" occurs 80 to 160km (50 to 100 miles) above the earth, when energetic particles from a solar storm cause the gases in the upper atmosphere to glow. Auroras can last between a few minutes to several hours. It's common across Alaska and northern Canada.

The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has now reached 400 parts per million.

The atmosphere was casual and relaxed.

To her, the atmosphere of Tokyo was always dry, rough, and completely uninteresting.

An artist is capable of capturing the atmosphere of the place with just a few lines.

The green plants take in carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

In the stifling atmosphere, I can barely breath.

The atmosphere of this planet is not breathable.

Tom hasn't got the chance to poison the atmosphere or undermine the love between Mary and her new lover.

Mars has a very thin atmosphere.

"It's an atmosphere like a ghost might appear" "Hey, don't say such stupid things!" "Wait, Tom, are you afraid of ghosts?"

His humor charmingly eased the embarrassing atmosphere at dinner time and made me breathe a sigh of relief.

Laika died when Sputnik 2 burned out in the atmosphere.

The oceans are currently absorbing about a quarter of the carbon dioxide emitted to the atmosphere annually and are becoming more acidic as a result, leading to concerns about intensifying impacts on marine ecosystems.

I found a French friend in Morocco. She told me that the atmosphere in Paris is not that of the rest of France, and that other cities and provinces are very beautiful.

Since I heard this, I want to travel french cities and provinces, learn beautiful French, and more than anything prepare French cuisine with my own hands. And feel the atmosphere of France.

I like the friendly atmosphere here.

Shift workers often have problems sleeping because it's hard to create a quiet, dark atmosphere during the day.

A strange atmosphere surrounds the visitor in this room.

The atmosphere in that workplace is not very inclusive.

Sputnik 2 finally burned up in the outer atmosphere in April 1958.

Mercury has a very thin atmosphere.

Mercury is very close to the Sun and has no substantial atmosphere.

Mercury's atmosphere is very thin and is composed of helium and sodium.

The thick clouds which cover Venus cause a "greenhouse effect". The clouds prevent heat from leaving the atmosphere.

Venus' dense atmosphere is composed of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid which acts as a greenhouse and traps the heat.

Even though Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun, Venus is the hottest planet due to the tremendous greenhouse effect caused by the gases in its atmosphere.

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