English example sentences with "accustomed"

Learn how to use accustomed in a English sentence. Over 100 hand-picked examples.

You will soon get accustomed to living here.

You will soon get accustomed to your new school.

You'll soon get accustomed to this cold weather.

I'm already accustomed to the heat of summer.

My nephew was accustomed to sitting up late.

I got accustomed to living alone.

I am already accustomed to sitting on tatami.

Bob is accustomed to hard work.

Tom is accustomed to calling up girls on the telephone.

I'm not accustomed to getting up so early.

He was not accustomed to sleeping alone.

You'll soon get accustomed to the work.

You will soon get accustomed to living in this country.

Jimmy was accustomed to his friends making fun of him.

I am accustomed to eating this sort of food.

You will soon get accustomed to the noises.

You'll soon get accustomed to your new college life.

"I'm not accustomed to working day and night." "You'll soon get used to it."

I have recently become accustomed to his way of speaking.

We are accustomed to wearing shoes.

We accustomed our children to sleeping alone.

My mother is not accustomed to hard work.

My daughter won't find it easy to get accustomed to the new school.

I'm accustomed to sleeping in a room without air conditioning.

I was accustomed to hard work.

I'm not accustomed to such treatment.

I soon got accustomed to speaking in public.

I am accustomed to living alone.

I am accustomed to working hard.

I am accustomed to cold weather.

I am not accustomed to making speeches in public.

I am not accustomed to making a speech in public.

I am not accustomed to speaking in public.

I am accustomed to staying up late.

I'm not accustomed to getting up early.

I'm not accustomed to walking long distances.

I'm not accustomed to the city noises.

I am becoming accustomed to the severe climate here bit by bit.

I am accustomed to studying English every evening.

We are all accustomed to working late at night.

The new boys soon accustomed themselves to the school.

I've got accustomed to speaking in public.

I'm accustomed to sitting up late.

I'm accustomed to getting up early.

I am not accustomed to walking long distances.

The people here are accustomed to the cold.

In those days, I was accustomed to taking a walk before breakfast.

You must be quite accustomed to using chopsticks by now.

He was accustomed to flying alone, and he had flown this route in his imagination many times.

He is accustomed to the work.

He is still not accustomed to city life.

He soon got accustomed to dormitory life and made two or three friends.

He was accustomed to frequenting my house.

He is accustomed to working hard.

He soon accustomed himself to cold weather.

He is accustomed to hard work.

He quickly accustomed himself to his new surroundings.

He got accustomed to the new way of living.

He is accustomed to speaking in public.

He's accustomed to climbing mountains.

He is accustomed to sitting up late.

He was accustomed to sitting up late.

They soon became quite accustomed to each other.

They are accustomed to hard work.

She is accustomed to rising early.

She is accustomed to sitting.

She is not accustomed to driving for a long time.

She is accustomed to doing her homework before dinner.

My dad is accustomed to jogging at night.

I am completely accustomed to this kind of work now.

It seems like it will take me a while to get accustomed to life here.

With this tutorial you will use the sample manga to become accustomed to the procedures for seeing the manga including download.

I became accustomed to public speaking, so I think that's been useful when taking job interviews.

I was accustomed to heat.

He's accustomed to traveling.

Seeing something in a different context than the accustomed one can be surprising.

I have accustomed myself to work long hours.

The more countries a language is spoken in, the less important it is to sound like a native speaker, since speakers of that language are accustomed to hearing various dialects.

He's accustomed to getting up early in the morning.

Tom isn't accustomed to walking barefooted.

Tom is accustomed to working outside.

Tom's eyes weren't yet accustomed to the dark, so he couldn't see a thing.

Tom was accustomed to being on his own.

Tom can no longer afford to live in the style he is accustomed to.

I am accustomed to the climate.

My friend became accustomed to the way things were in France in those days.

She's accustomed to getting up early.

He's accustomed to mountain climbing.

He is accustomed to braving the cold.

He is accustomed to bribing anyone who gets in his way.

My nephew was accustomed to staying up late.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.

She’s accustomed to rising early.

These fish are accustomed to high pressure and to the presence of light.

Does time really heal all wounds, or do we just become accustomed to having been wounded?

You are afraid that Latinate languages exude sexuality, to which you are not accustomed.

He became accustomed to working in the office.

Tom isn't accustomed to city life.

Tom is accustomed to speaking in public.

Tom has become accustomed to living in Boston.

Tom has grown accustomed to Mary's nagging.

Also check out the following words: Congratulations, visit, us, possibility, unlikely, shouldn't, logged, off, inevitable, France.