












A schedule is an identity card for time, but, if you don't have a schedule, the time isn't there.
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The police are really good at understanding "Someone stole my credit card and ran up a lot of charges." It's a lot harder to get them to buy into "Someone stole my magic sword."
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Can I pay by credit card?
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The time has come for you to play your trump card.
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Hello, I have a reservation, my name is Kaori Yoshikawa. Here is the confirmation card.
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There is a card on the desk.
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I left my card at home.
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I have a card up my sleeve.
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It took Brian several hours to write a card.
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Do you accept Visa card?
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Here is your appointment card.
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My sister has difficulty qualifying for a credit card.
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Where can I get a telephone card?
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I'd like to pay with my credit card instead.
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Then you just have to fill out this card.
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Then I slipped out the card. No water leaks out because no air can come in; the rim is too close to the table for that.
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George sent me a birthday card.
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Julie received a Christmas card from her brother in Italy.
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Now, I put this card into the hat. See?
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Is this the embarkation card?
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This is my I.D. card.
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Here's my card.
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Can I make a credit card call on this public phone?
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Fill out this registration card, please.
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Could you give me a card with this hotel's address?
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This credit card entitles us to certain privileges.
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Do you honor this credit card?
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Do you accept this card?
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Can I get travelers checks with this card?
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Can I borrow cash with this card?
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What's the cash limit on this card?
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Credit card companies are not looking so hard at credit ratings.
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I'm calling because my credit card has been stolen.
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Your credit card, please.
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I'm calling because I've lost my credit card.
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Do you have a credit card?
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It makes sense to pay off your credit card balance every month.
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I'd like to pay by credit card.
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Please pay cash, not by credit card.
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Please deal the card.
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Please insert your card.
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I'd like to pay for this with my Visa card.
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"Here is my business card. Please call me anytime with more information," said the reporter.
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The mayor provided me with an identity card.
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Can I pay a credit card?
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I received a Christmas card from my brother in Italy.
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I sent him a book along with a card.
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I'd like to send a congratulations card to Madonna for the birth of her baby girl.
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Actually I wrote her a card.
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I forgot to bring my I.D. card.
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Can I use my credit card?
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Any student with an I.D. card has access to the library.
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Thank you for sending me a nice card.
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A card was attached to the gift.
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Please tell me how to fill out the disembarkation card.
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He sent me a birthday card.
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Have you sent him a Christmas card yet?
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He has a straight-A report card.
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He sent a card to Mary.
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He played his trump card.
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He sent her some flowers, along with a pretty card.
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He has played his card out of turn.
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He presented his card.
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Post this card without fail.
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I put away the report card in the drawer for fear that Mother should see it.
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Please tell the reservation clerk, Mr Ichiro Takahashi, your credit card number to confirm your reservation.
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If you cut class or something...it wouldn't surprise you if it showed up on your report card, would it?
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Not wanting to boast but I've never got better than a 3 on my report card for home economics. Out of 10 that is.
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"We've got taller so they don't fit." "Right, it's certainly not that we've got fat!" "The useful phrase 'grown up' is our trump card."
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If they can get both a forged card and its PIN then all the cash in the bank account will be withdrawn.
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The card you drew was a red, wasn't it?
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2. Draw a boomerang shape on the card with a pen. Cut out the boomerang you've drawn.
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Frankly speaking, this 'on board' means "doesn't have a graphics card".
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Look, this is my business card.
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I forgot to bring my health insurance card.
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Can I use a credit card?
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Can I use a credit card for payment?
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Can I pay with a credit card?
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He pays with a credit card.
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During the final against Italy, Zidane received a red card for head-butting Materazzi.
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I want to pay with a credit card.
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I left my card in the room.
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The 50 unit phone card.
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Have you brought your ID card with you?
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I put the report card in the drawer so my mother wouldn't see it.
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I have a reservation, my name is Kaori Yoshikawa. Here's my confirmation card.
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The ATM has swallowed my debit card.
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If you learn how to do card tricks you'll always be the life of the party.
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My credit card was rejected by the ATM.
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The card was valid until January, 2006.
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You want to pay with a credit card?
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Please show me your identity card or passport!
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None of the computers can continue to run with a burnt card.
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I'll pay with my card.
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May I pay with a credit card?
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My credit card was rejected by the cashpoint.
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Today is the last day to pay tuition fees, and my credit card has no money on it.
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I don't have much money on me right now, but my card has some on it.
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I use my VISA card.
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Do you have a points card?
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Do you have a rewards card?
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