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Ücretsiz edin
How high can you jump?
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I'd jump through hoops for you.
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It is impossible for you to jump two meters high.
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I am afraid to jump over the ditch.
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I was too glad not to jump up.
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I thought you'd jump at the chance.
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Many would jump at the chance to live in New York.
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Try how far you can jump.
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How can I jump so high?
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Try to jump as high as possible.
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The cat crouched down ready to jump.
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The man would jump at our offer of a half price bargain sale.
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How brave of him to jump into the water to save the little girl!
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The girl was afraid to jump down from the roof.
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She could not bring herself to jump into the water.
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The noise caused me to jump back.
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Then they played Jump The Daisies and Run Through The Clover.
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Only I was able to jump across the stream then.
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The locust made a big jump.
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And so the two little rabbits lived together happily in the big forest; eating dandelions, playing Jump The Daisies, Run Through The Clover and Find The Acorn all day long.
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You must not jump to conclusions.
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This bookstore stopped selling JUMP.
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Karl Lange's record breaking long jump took the crowd's breath away.
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Yes. And it's only a hop, skip and a jump to the nearest mall.
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He was the first to jump into the world of computers at our company.
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Being a hasty person, he is likely to jump to conclusions.
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Take three steps and jump.
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The police persuaded her not to jump off the bridge.
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Look at the dog jump.
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We would run down to the lake and jump in.
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He is much better than me at the high jump.
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I saw the man jump.
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I saw a white dog jump over the fence.
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I saw him jump.
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I can jump.
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Jump out of the frying pan into the fire.
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Look at the boy jump!
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The boy was about to jump into the lake.
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Don't jump to conclusions.
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A loud noise made him jump.
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It is dangerous to jump into a moving train.
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It is dangerous to jump onto a moving train.
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It's dangerous to jump off a moving train.
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The young men of Japan are apt to jump on the bandwagon.
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I'll try to jump over this stream on a horse.
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He had the jump on me.
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He started to run very fast, so that people began to jump out of his way.
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He saw the boy jump over the fence and run away.
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He is sure to set a new record in the triple jump.
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Did he dare to jump the brook?
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He didn't dare to jump the brook.
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He didn't jump high enough to win a prize.
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His grades took a big jump.
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He bettered the world record in the high jump.
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He has given up running in order to focus on the long jump.
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She was ready to jump ship.
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She tried to jump up a second time.
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She can jump high.
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She set the world record for the high jump.
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Go jump in the lake.
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My parents will jump all over me.
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It was proven that fleas living on dogs jump higher than fleas living on cats.
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It is very dangerous to jump aboard the train when it is moving.
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Let's jump the protection circuit.
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Jump as high as you can.
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Jump on the creature to kill it.
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A flea can jump 200 times its own height.
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While Eugene is busy translating sentences from Russian to English, I'll quickly add some Belorussian translations and jump ahead of Uyghur.
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The horse balked at the jump.
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Most children like to jump rope.
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I don't want to jump the gun.
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TEPCO is looking for "jumpers", workers who will jump into highly radioactive sections of the plant to quickly perform tasks before running out as fast as possible.
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Let's not jump the gun.
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Tom couldn't bring himself to jump into the cold water.
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The quick brown fox did not jump over the lazy dog.
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The quick brown fox didn't jump over the lazy dog.
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Tom, alone, bent over the left edge of the sentence, was hesitating to jump, to put an end to this entire story.
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Tom and Mary were on the verge of diving, off the left edge of the sentence, in the infinite corpus, when they spotted underneath a shoal of hungry contributors, teeth out, ready to jump on them and shred their mistakes down to the last one.
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Tom needed to jump start his car.
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Try to see how far you can jump.
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John made Mary jump.
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If you have questions, don't hesitate to jump in.
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He dared not jump over the brook.
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I'm going to jump.
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I cannot jump to the sea. I don't know how to swim.
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I have to jump off here.
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When I tell you 'jump', you jump!
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"Jump across the ditch." "I will if you will."
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I dare you to jump over this ditch.
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I need to jump start my car.
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Now, my young man, jump out the window!
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And if everyone started jumping off the ninth floor, would you jump too?
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Let's not jump to conclusions, okay?
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Let's not jump to conclusions.
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I want a jump rope with wooden handles.
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If it were done when 'tis done, then 'twere well / It were done quickly: if the assassination / Could trammel up the consequence, and catch / With his surcease success; that but this blow / Might be the be-all and the end-all here, / But here, upon this bank and shoal of time, / We'd jump the life to come.
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Tom looked like he was ready to jump out a window.
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When it came time to jump out of that airplane I was terrified. My heart was in my mouth.
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When the time came to jump out of that airplane I was scared stiff. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would come out of my chest.
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