Englisch Beispielsätze mit "after"

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After that, I left, but then I realized that I forgot my backpack at their house.
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Pull into shape after washing.
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Even now, many years after the Cold War, there is still much rancor between the Russians and the Germans, especially in areas once occupied by the Soviet Union.
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On May 18, a young Japanese couple was arrested after their one-year-old baby was found wrapped in a plastic bag and dumped in a gutter.
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You asked after her? What did she say?
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You should look after the children from time to time.
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You continue making the same mistakes time after time.
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Which of your parents do you take after?
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You must look after the child.
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You must get this homework finished by the day after tomorrow.
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You must be tired after such a long trip.
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Which of your parents do you take after in character?
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I don't object to your going out to work, but who will look after the children?
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You speak first; I will speak after.
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He came after you left.
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I'll look after your affairs when you are dead.
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It is easy to be wise after the event.
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After all the trouble we went to in coming up with that project, it only took them a second to shoot it down in the meeting.
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I make it a rule not to watch television after nine o'clock.
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The number of Japanese students returning after life abroad has been increasing as of late.
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Wet blankets are not always unpleasant after you get to know them.
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We will be willing to make a deal with you after the auction.
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Would you look after my children while I am away on vacation?
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She was very brown after her holiday.
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Hearing this song after so long really brings back the old times.
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After a long absence he came back.
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After running up the hill, I was completely out of breath.
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After they argued, they didn't speak to each other for a week.
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After an awkward pause, Bill took her by the hand and dragged her upstairs.
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It took him a moment to realize where he was after he came to.
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I will inquire about the matter after I return home.
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Don't play around too much after school.
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I will see him after I get back.
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She knew what it was like for married women to look after houses, husbands and children.
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The treaty has been concluded after many twists and turns.
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After having fought many hard battles, we were able to bring home the bacon and set up a new government.
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The nurse looked after the babies.
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The warmth after the chills intoxicated us.
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Spring brings mild weather after the cold winter.
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After a storm comes a calm.
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What are you going to do after you leave school?
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School begins the day after tomorrow.
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You must be hungry after school is over.
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After the revolution, France became a republic.
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A car is convenient, to be sure, but, after all, it will prove expensive.
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Who can survive after a nuclear war?
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I'm out of breath after running up the stairs.
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A sailor frequently has no time to get his sea legs after leaving port before a battle starts.
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Japanese children brought up overseas sometimes face great difficulty in adjusting themselves to Japanese schools after returning, even though they have a perfect command of Japanese.
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The company went after its no. 1 customer complaint: power outages.
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We used to meet at a coffee shop in Shinjuku after work.
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We'll resume the meeting after tea.
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The conference is to be held in Tokyo the day after tomorrow.
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I had a little chat with John after the meeting.
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After the meeting she headed straight to her desk.
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We got together for short meeting after dinner.
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We named my son after my grandfather.
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We would play baseball after school in those days.
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After much debate, we decided to spend our holidays in Spain.
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We arrived at an agreement after two hours' discussion.
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We should look after our parents.
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We took a rest one after the other.
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Cars are running one after another before our eyes.
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After our first attack, the enemy fled.
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After some freight cars were derailed, services were suspended on the Chuo Line.
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Will you look after my baggage?
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The flowers revived after the rain.
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I needn't have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it started raining.
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I need not have watered the flowers. Just after I finished, it stared raining.
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The fire broke out after the staff went home.
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Immediately after it caught fire, the chemical factory blew up.
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According to scientists, the atmosphere is getting warmer year after year.
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The houses caught fire one after another.
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After tying up loose ends on the house, the carpenter gave the painter approval to begin work.
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I'll have exams right after the summer holidays.
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After a couple of drinks, the guy was feeling no pain.
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I wonder if she will recognize me after all those years.
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After several delays, the plane finally left.
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It rained after it had been dry for many weeks.
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After being frightened for many hours, her mother finally saved her.
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He was worn out after hours of work.
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After all, their form of transport produces no pollution at all.
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Were I to die, who would look after my children?
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After his wife left him, Harold went nuts.
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After the concert, the crowd made for the nearest door.
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After seeing the movie, I was impressed.
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After the movie they fall asleep.
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You should rest after exercise.
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I ache all over after the exercises.
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It is refreshing to take a shower after exercising.
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The chauffeur will be on duty after 3 o'clock.
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After rain comes fair weather.
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It is cool after the rain.
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The leaves are fresh after a rainfall.
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After the rain, the sun emerged from the clouds.
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The garden was destroyed after the rain.
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After the rain, there were puddles on the street.
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I get caught in the rain, I'm late for my date, and I lose my pocketbook. It's just one thing after another today.
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After the rain had let up a bit, we made a dash for the car.
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Plants grow quickly after rain.
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Driving after drinking alcohol is not acceptable behavior.
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Sehen Sie sich auch die folgenden Wörter an: Endometritis, uterus, membrane, teary, fibroid, tumours, ovulation, testtube, organisations, periodontitis.