commemorate | спряжение

английский глагол «commemorate» во всех формах.

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Замените Google Translate на Mate! Мы создали Mate специально для пользователей , которые учат языки. Легко переводите текст и речь в любых приложениях на {lang}} и еще 102 языка, запоминайте произношение, пополняйте словарь. Присоединяйтесь к 800 000 других пользователей.

Учите английский?

Замените Google Translate на Mate! Мы создали Mate специально для пользователей , которые учат языки. Переводите сайты и субтитры Netflix на английский и еще 102 языка простым двойным щелчком, проверяйте синонимы, пополняйте словарь. Присоединяйтесь к 800 000 других пользователей.

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Future perfect Continuous
Future Continuous
Pluperfect Continuous
Past Continuous
Perfect Continuous
Present Continuous
Future perfect Simple
Future Simple
Pluperfect Simple
Past Simple
Perfect Simple
Present Simple
they will have been commemorating
we will have been commemorating
he/she/it will have been commemorating
you will have been commemorating
I will have been commemorating
they will be commemorating
we will be commemorating
he/she/it will be commemorating
you will be commemorating
I will be commemorating
they had been commemorating
we had been commemorating
he/she/it had been commemorating
you had been commemorating
I had been commemorating
they were commemorating
we were commemorating
he/she/it was commemorating
you were commemorating
I was commemorating
they have been commemorating
we have been commemorating
he/she/it has been commemorating
you have been commemorating
I have been commemorating
they are commemorating
we are commemorating
he/she/it is commemorating
you are commemorating
I am commemorating
they will have commemorated
we will have commemorated
he/she/it will have commemorated
you will have commemorated
I will have commemorated
they will commemorate
we will commemorate
he/she/it will commemorate
you will commemorate
I will commemorate
they had commemorated
we had commemorated
he/she/it had commemorated
you had commemorated
I had commemorated
they commemorated
we commemorated
he/she/it commemorated
you commemorated
I commemorated
they have commemorated
we have commemorated
he/she/it has commemorated
you have commemorated
I have commemorated
they commemorate
we commemorate
he/she/it commemorates
you commemorate
I commemorate


Pluperfect Simple
Imperfect Simple
Perfect Simple
Present Simple
they had commemorated
we had commemorated
he/she/it had commemorated
you had commemorated
I had commemorated
they commemorated
we commemorated
he/she/it commemorated
you commemorated
I commemorated
they have commemorated
we have commemorated
he/she/it have commemorated
you have commemorated
I have commemorated
they commemorate
we commemorate
he/she/it commemorate
you commemorate
I commemorate


Perfect Continuous
Present Continuous
Perfect Simple
Present Simple
they would have been commemorating
we would have been commemorating
he/she/it would have been commemorating
you would have been commemorating
I would have been commemorating
they would be commemorating
we would be commemorating
he/she/it would be commemorating
you would be commemorating
I would be commemorating
they would have commemorated
we would have commemorated
he/she/it would have commemorated
you would have commemorated
I would have commemorated
they would commemorate
we would commemorate
he/she/it would commemorate
you would commemorate
I would commemorate


we Let's commemorate
you commemorate


Легко переведите commemorate на английский, испанский, немецкий, французский, португальский, русский, китайский, и еще 96 языков.

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