Приклади речень Англійська зі словом "did"

Дізнайтеся, як використовувати did у реченні Англійська. Понад 100 ретельно відібраних прикладів.

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Завантажити безкоштовно

How long did you stay?
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What did you answer?
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Did you miss me?
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How did you come up with this crazy idea?
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How are you? Did you have a good trip?
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You did this intentionally!
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At the age of six he had learned to use the typewriter and told the teacher that he did not need to learn to write by hand.
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Though his stay in Europe was transient, Spenser felt he had learned much more about interactions with other people from traveling than he did at college.
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His father would never sanction his engagement to a girl who did not share the same religious beliefs as their family.
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What criterion did you use when you elected this essay as the winner?
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Did you say that I could never win?
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You will say and do things your parents said and did, even if you swore you would never do them.
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Why did you wake me up to tell me something that big? Now, I'll never be able to concentrate on my work!
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That sounds interesting. What did you tell her?
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Did you leave a tip?
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In which folder did you save the file?
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How did your interview go?
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You asked after her? What did she say?
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Did you meet her?
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Did you fall in love with her at first sight?
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When did you see her dancing with him?
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Did you accept his statement as true?
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You work as hard as he did at your age.
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Did you do your homework by yourself?
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Did you actually see the accident?
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What on earth did you take me for?
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Did you call me up last night?
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Did you go out last night?
Translate from Англійська to Українська

You didn't come to school yesterday, did you?
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You did not come to school yesterday.
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Did you hear about the fire yesterday?
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You did an excellent job.
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Did you inform your friends of your home-coming?
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You did not need to have your house painted.
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What did you come here so early for?
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Did you try to review the English lessons?
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Did you read it at all?
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Did you break the window on purpose or by accident?
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It is regrettable that you did not start earlier.
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Why did you try to run away?
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Why did you not go to the office?
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Why did you absent yourself from class yesterday?
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Why did you use up all the money?
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How did you obtain these old postage stamps?
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How did you come to know her?
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How did you come up with such a good excuse?
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Why did you say such a thing?
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Who did you give it to?
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Did you buy it on the black market?
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What did you open it with?
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When did you finish it?
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Did you watch the game?
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Did you cut the paper?
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Did you ever see the fish?
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Did you ever hear the like of it?
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Did you tape that concert?
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Did you do this on your own?
Translate from Англійська to Українська

Where did you go last Sunday?
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How did you come by this money?
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How long did it take you to drive from here to Tokyo?
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When did you come to Japan?
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When did you begin studying English?
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You look the way your father did thirty years ago.
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Did you leave the window open?
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When did you begin learning German?
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Your parents didn't come, did they?
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When did your sister leave Tokyo for London?
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What you did brought disgrace on the whole class.
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What you did is against the rules.
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Don't be angry with me, for I did it for your sake.
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Didn't I lend you some books? I'm sure I did.
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Never did I dream of meeting you here.
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All of you did good work.
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Did any of you gentlemen wait on this man?
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Never did I dream that you would lose.
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You did well to keep the secret.
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It is not good that you did not ask her name.
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You did well not to follow his advice.
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You did wrong to refuse his help.
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The reason why you failed is you did not try hard enough.
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I can't thank you enough for what you did for me.
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How much money did you spend in total?
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I would do it in a different way than you did.
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I cannot believe you did not see him then.
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It is true that he did it, whether by accident or by design.
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What method did you use to give up smoking?
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Surprisingly, he did his last job in one-third the time it would take me.
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Where did you go for that 30 minutes you were gone?
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How did you get to the stadium?
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We could go out together like we did last year.
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She did not eat anything until she was rescued.
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Did you enjoy your holiday?
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What did you do on your vacation?
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How did you spend your vacation?
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How did you enjoy your vacation?
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Tell me what you did on your holidays.
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I did nothing during the holidays.
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Kumi did not talk about her club.
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My neck snapped when I did a headstand.
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The customer did not come.
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The chairman did not rule out the possibility of a disagreement.
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