I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
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I can't understand why people are frightened of new ideas. I'm frightened of the old ones.
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After being frightened for many hours, her mother finally saved her.
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He was very much frightened at the sight of the big snake.
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It wasn't until then that I felt really frightened.
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I was much frightened at the sight.
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I was frightened by the sight.
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I was frightened at the sight.
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There's no need to be frightened of the dog; he is quite harmless.
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The noise frightened the baby.
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The frightened boy's heart palpitated with terror.
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Kate was frightened to see the big dog.
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The frightened boy's voice was shaking with terror.
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Alice was frightened of her strict mother.
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The dog frightened the children away.
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The primitive man was frightened at the sign of the beast.
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The primitive man was frightened at the sight of a savage beast.
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I didn't know hummingbirds could even fly upside down when frightened.
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I'm not frightened of anything.
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I am not frightened of anything.
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As I was frightened by the strange sound, I jumped up.
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I am frightened of walking in the darkness.
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No one's frightened of playing it.
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Now they're frightened of leaving it.
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The townsfolk were frightened by the earthquake.
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When a big ape emerged from the cave, they got frightened and ran away.
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The sudden noise frightened her.
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The explosion frightened the villagers.
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His action frightened us.
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He was frightened at the sight.
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He was so frightened that he could not speak for a moment.
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When he entered the building, he was frightened by a sudden cry.
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They were so frightened that they couldn't move an inch.
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Never was she so frightened.
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She stared at him with frightened eyes.
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She looked frightened at the news.
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She was frightened to see the black cat.
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She is frightened of thunder.
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He was so frightened that he ran for his life.
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I was terribly frightened.
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There is no need to be frightened. He won't harm you.
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When I saw the ghost, I was so frightened that my hair stood on end.
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The thunder frightened the students.
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The fury of the storm frightened the children.
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Despite having lazed around without having touched my work I'm frightened at heart that "Ooh-er, this time I might really not get done in time!?"
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She was only frightened, not injured.
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Weren't you frightened of that dog?
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When she noticed that the man followed after her, she began to become frightened.
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Tom was frightened.
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The voices coming from the jungle frightened the explorers.
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As the three men entered the alley, a bird resembling a crow flew from the top a large beech tree as if he had been frightened.
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She'd never been this frightened before.
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She'd never been so frightened.
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He was frightened by the sight.
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I was frightened when I saw that.
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This is the thing that frightened me the most.
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The cat that entered into our room looked around frightened
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I never saw a circle of such hateful faces; and there was the man in the middle, with a kind of black sneering coolness — frightened too, I could see that — but carrying it off really like Satan.
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Since people suffering from low-level blood sugar disorder lack the ability to suppress their emotions, they easily get frightened and angry.
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The policeman who is easily frightened is funny; the policeman who is indifferent to the misfortunes of others is terrible.
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Tom is just frightened.
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Tom was frightened and tried to leave.
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Are you frightened yet?
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I can see you're frightened.
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Dismissing the frightened servant, Mary went alone into the room and closed the door.
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He's nervous and easily frightened.
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Tom was frightened and didn't want to be left alone.
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Something frightened Tom.
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Tom's frightened.
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The heroic deed is an act of the man frightened to death.
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We're frightened.
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Tom is frightened.
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I'm frightened.
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Tom frightened Mary.
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Tom frightened me.
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Tom looks frightened.
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You frightened Tom.
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We're all frightened.
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They were frightened.
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Are you frightened?
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I was frightened.
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I'm not frightened.
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I'm very frightened.
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You've frightened Tom.
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She's frightened by loud noises.
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Your screams frightened me.
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Tom doesn't look frightened.
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Tom is very frightened.
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Now don't be frightened.
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I know you must be frightened.
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When I was a little child, I wasn't frightened of anything.
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I'm sorry if I frightened you.
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I'm sorry I frightened you.
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Tom was surprised and a little frightened.
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Tom and Mary were frightened.
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Tom is probably frightened.
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Why were you frightened?
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Are you frightened, Tom?
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Tom isn't frightened.
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She seemed frightened at first, but only for a moment.
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Don't be frightened.
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