












My computer has got to be useful for something.
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So annoying... Now I get a headache whenever I use the computer!
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Aaah!! My computer is broken!
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I have to get a new computer.
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As he sits in the dark, typing away at his computer, he hears the sound of morning birds chirping away and realizes he has been up all night - but the insomniac still refuses to sleep.
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Do you know how to use a personal computer?
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Our international sales continue to grow, bringing the name of Toyo Computer into businesses world-wide.
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Initially we had some problems with our computer system, but they've been sorted out now.
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The company faced a major interruption in business when a fire destroyed their archive of computer hard drives and optical discs.
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As soon as he got home, he began to play a computer game.
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What make of computer do you use?
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I sit in front of a computer screen all day, so I get pretty heavily bombarded by electro-magnetic waves.
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Computer science has made rapid progress in our country.
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Don't do that!!! There's a computer at the drug store.
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The modem was built into the computer.
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Please let me know immediately if you would like to use this computer.
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If it were not for the computer, how inconvenient our lives would be!
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Everyone will have his own computer before long.
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Mac knows how to use this computer.
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I have installed Microsoft Office on my personal computer, so please use its file format when you send me the attachment.
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I broke the personal computer.
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I am seeking a person who can write a personal computer manual.
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She alone is able to use the personal computer.
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International Business Machines Corporation, based in Armonk, New York, is the world's largest computer firm.
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Tom is going to apply for a job with a computer company.
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It seems that something is wrong with the computer.
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I can't start up my computer. What am I supposed to do?
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Data can be transmitted from the main computer to yours, and vice versa.
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Computer technology is indispensable to access many pertinent items of data.
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Dan bought a new computer.
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Most boys like computer games.
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The words would appear on his computer screen.
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Instead, he worked a switch that controlled his computer.
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The information is in a file in my computer.
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I feel disenchanted by the limited capacity of the computer.
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The company has purchased a new computer system.
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The company has cut a figure in the computer industry.
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For this design house it was an appropriate strategy to introduce even more radical colors into computer production.
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The data has been fed into the computer.
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The computer is of great use.
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The computer was very useful.
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The computer is new.
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The computer is up to date.
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The computer was so outdated that it was good for nothing.
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That computer is what we call a robot.
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The computer can detect 200 types of error.
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Mrs. Jones is teaching computer science.
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Most studies, however, have not focused on the influence Emmet's theory had on computer graphics.
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The computer terminals were lined up in one long row.
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IBM has the lion's share of the large computer market; nobody else even comes close.
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The development of the computer industry has been very rapid.
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There are many jobs available in the computer industry.
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The computer industry is enjoying a boom.
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I shopped around for my computer and ended up paying $200 less than David.
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We are looking for somebody who can use a computer.
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If you use a computer, you can retain information.
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They might pay me more if I could use a computer.
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Computer users have so many buzzwords, it's a wonder if anyone else can understand them.
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In order to use a computer, you must learn to type.
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He located the computer, poured in the sample and deposited the $10.00.
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A computer is a complex machine.
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A computer can calculate very rapidly.
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The computer is a relatively recent invention.
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The computer is placed to the left of the women.
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The computer is a recent invention.
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The computer has made a great impact on modern life.
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A computer is an absolute necessity now.
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Do you know how to operate a computer?
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The operation of a computer keyboard requires less effort than that of a manual typewriter.
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Compared to a computer, a word processor has a single purpose.
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What kinds of things do you have on the computer?
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I feed data into a computer.
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Japan disproved phony accusations of computer chip dumping.
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It is an advantage to be able to use a computer.
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My computer is out of order, and I have to get it repaired.
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The computer broke down.
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There is a labor shortage of computer programmers.
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The computer system shuts down automatically at 8pm.
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Ability to operate a computer is critical for this job.
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This company manufactures computer chips.
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This computer network is, as it were, the nervous system of the company.
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This computer is second to none in quality.
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This computer runs on batteries.
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This computer can cope with much work.
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This computer is powerful, efficient, and easy to use.
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This computer often goes out of order.
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This computer will prove costly in the long run.
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Operation of this computer is tricky.
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This computer is superior to that one.
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I know a lot about this computer.
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This computer saves a great deal of time.
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I bought this computer one year ago and it's already a dinosaur.
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Since the computer here can't change the system, I can't do anything.
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Had I had enough money, I would have bought that computer.
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You can use this computer any time.
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Laws to prevent computer crimes were enacted in the USA.
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That university conducts its entrance examinations using a computer scored answer sheet.
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There was a problem with the architecture of that company's new computer. They're going through a recall frenzy right now.
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How did you pay for this computer?
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Your personal computer is identical with mine.
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Argh! My computer froze up again.
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