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Who am I talking with?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
What are you talking about?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Don't listen to him, he's talking nonsense.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
What on earth are you talking about?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
When talking about your last results, it is dependent on the last examination.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We were just talking about you when you called.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
In this harsh, petty world where money does the talking, his way of life is like a breath of fresh air.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
A reporter is interviewing Dr. Patterson about Koko, a talking gorilla.
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It's been nice talking to you, but I really must go now.
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Each robot is equipped with a talking machine.
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This meeting is a waste of time. Everybody is just talking in vague theoretical terms.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We were cut off while talking on the telephone.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We went on talking about the matter.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We were talking to each other all the time.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We sat up half the night just talking.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Do you know why they stopped talking?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
What are you talking about!?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
What you're talking about is more important than how you say it.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I have a very vague idea of what you are talking about.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
What were we talking about?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Talking of music, what kind of music do you like?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
A talking dictionary is no longer a fantasy.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to the monkey.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I'm not talking to you; I'm talking to the monkey.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Are you talking to me?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
If I were prime minister, I'd give Clinton a good talking to.
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Don't be shy about talking to the teacher; if you don't understand, use some initiative!
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Talking of Mr Ito, what has become of his son?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Robert enjoyed talking with his girlfriend.
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The true secret of writing a good letter is to write as if you were talking.
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Max looked into the mirror all the time he was talking.
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Talking of Mr White, where is he living now?
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Beth has a strong habit of interrupting people while they are talking.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The boy talking with Fred is Mike.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Quit talking like you've got something stuck in your mouth and say what you mean.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom kept talking all night.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom has been talking on the phone for an hour.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Tom was given detention for talking during class.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Just as we are talking, there was a loud explosion.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We were just talking about you.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
People are talking about this Internet phenomenon.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Who were you talking with?
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You should not cut in when someone else is talking.
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The fact is that they are talking.
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We spent most of the evening talking about our vacation.
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The little boy is used to talking with grown-ups.
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The minute I entered the room, they stopped talking.
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The middle-aged women kept talking loudly all the way.
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The man kept talking for an hour.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The teacher enjoyed talking with some of the graduates.
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That child was talking with an innocent smile.
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I felt like talking to somebody then.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
It is no good talking about it.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
And we had spent hours talking together.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I'll never forget talking with him there.
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That way of talking is typical of him.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Talking of Professor Smith, his assistant is hard of hearing.
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Talking of Smith, what has become of his daughter?
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Talking of sports, what sports do you play?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
John was in such a hurry that he had no time for talking.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The girl talking with John is Susan.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The student who is talking with John is from Canada.
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Talking of John, what has become of his sister?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Quit talking, will you?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Jack stopped talking all of a sudden when Mary went into the room.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The girl talking with Jim is Mary.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
We had been talking about Jim when he entered the room.
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Jane is talking with somebody.
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Talking of Shakespeare, have you ever read his work?
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Do stop talking and listen to the music.
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It's so odd talking in the dark like this.
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It is no use talking with them any longer.
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We have all been talking about tomorrow; now let's come down to earth and talk about today.
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So, this is the nata-de-coco that everyone is talking about.
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Talking like this, we are getting nowhere.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Ken stopped talking and began to eat.
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It's my fault that the cake was burned. I was talking on the phone and didn't notice the time.
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Talking of classical music, who is your favorite composer?
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It's the place that has all of Gulfport talking.
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They are talking over a cup of coffee in the cafeteria.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Have you finished talking?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I've enjoyed talking to you.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Guys, what are you talking about? Are you gonna steal my date!?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Stop talking and listen to me.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Cut the talking and listen.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Let's attend to our work instead of talking.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Once she starts talking, there is no stopping her.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Will you introduce me to the young woman talking with Mrs. Allen?
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If he is corrected too much, he will stop talking.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
For a healthy cheerful guy like that to get sick is like the devil getting sunstroke. Everyone is talking about it.
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The woman to whom you were talking is my sister.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
The Englishman likes doing better than talking.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
You were talking in your sleep last night.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Who are you talking with?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
What does your remark have to do with the subject we are talking about?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I don't understand what you are talking about.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Nice talking with you.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I enjoyed talking with you.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
Who is the man that you were talking with?
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I gave him a stern talking to.
Translate from Englisch to Deutsch
I don't like his smart way of talking.
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